
We'll help you manage your family's risk for lead-paint exposure in your home.

I want to

How the City helps remove lead in homes

Preventing Lead Exposure. Making Homes Healthy and Safe in Minneapolis

The Minneapolis Health Department’s Lead and Healthy Homes team helps reduce the risk for lead exposure in homes throughout the city. This is the story of Kosar Mohamed who applied for and received City grant funds to help address lead hazards in his home. 

Learn more about renovation grants

Lead-paint dust in your home


The most common cause of lead exposure in homes is lead-paint dust. If you live in or are thinking about buying a house built before 1978*:

  • Find out if there is lead paint in your home
  • Repair any deteriorating paint on the inside or outside of your property
  • Make sure children and pets aren't chewing on railings and other paint-covered surfaces

Watch the YouTube video in English to learn more about lead safety in your home

Watch the YouTube video in other languages

Health risks

Young children and pregnant women are at the greatest risk.

Lead poisoning can cause damage to the brain and other vital organs.

People and animals of any age can experience health problems from exposure to lead.

Testing children

If your home was built before 1978*, talk to your pediatrician about testing your child's lead level. 

If your child tests positive for lead poisoning, we'll send a Healthy Homes inspector to help find and remove the source of the lead.

*In 1978 the federal government banned consumer use of lead-based paint.

Contact us

Minneapolis Health Department




Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 520
Minneapolis, MN 55415