Ward 7 - Katie Cashman
Council Member Katie Cashman represents Ward 7, which is located on the western edge of Minneapolis and includes portions of downtown.

Explore this section
Minneapolis Ward 7
Neighborhoods in Ward 7
- Bryn Mawr
- Cedar-Isles-Dean
- Downtown West
- East Isles
- Kenwood
- Linden Hills
- Loring Park
- Lowry Hill
- Steven's Square-Loring Heights
- West Maka Ska
Stay Informed
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See meeting calendars and agendas
Find the latest information on what City Council is working on.
Contact us
Mailing address
City Hall350 S. Fifth St., Room 307
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Temporary office location
250 S. Fourth St., Room 100Minneapolis, MN 55415
This section of the City’s website provides an elected official with the opportunity to share their views. All views expressed are their own. Their views may not represent the official policies approved by the Council and Mayor.