Using links

We explain how to add, edit and delete links.

Add a link

Link to another page

To add a link to another page on the T4 transition site:

  • From edit mode, highlight the text to which you want to add a page link.
  • Click the Insert drop-down and choose Insert link, then choose Insert section link.
  • From the Select section screen:
    • Navigate the site structure
    • Choose the page to which you want to link
    • Click on the page name

Link to a content type (content block)

To add a link to a content type on a page (e.g., the Contact us content type):

  • From edit mode, highlight the text to which you want to add a content link.
  • Click the Insert drop-down and choose Insert link, then choose Insert content link.
  • From the Select content screen:
    • Navigate the site structure and find the page you're working on
    • Click on the page name
    • From the next Select content screen, find the content type to which you want to link and click on the content type.

Link to an external web page

To add a link to a page on an external website:

  • From edit mode, highlight the text to which you want to add a link.
  • Click the Insert drop-down and choose Insert link, then choose Link to external site.
  • From the Insert link screen:
    • In the URL field, paste the URL for the page to which you want to link.
    • In the Target field, click the drop-down menu and choose New window. This will open a new browser window when a user clicks the link.
    • Click OK.

Link to a phone number

To add a link to a phone number on a page:

  • From edit mode, highlight the phone number.
  • Click the Insert drop-down and choose Insert link, then choose Link to external site.
  • From the Insert link screen:
    • In the URL field, type tel:+1 followed by the phone number. You don't need dashes in the phone number here. Example: tel:+1612-673-3000
    • The Text to display field will already list the phone number you highlighted. Click OK.

Link to an email address

To add a link to an email address on a page:

  • From edit mode, highlight the text to which you want to add an email link. For example, the text might say: Email the Minnesota Secretary of State Business Services Office.
  • Click the Insert drop-down and choose Insert link, then choose Link to external site.
  • From the Insert link screen:
    • In the URL field, type mailto: followed by the email address. Example:
    • The Text to display field will already list the text you highlighted. Click OK.

Edit a link

Edit the link text

To change the text of a link:

  • From edit mode, highlight the text you want to change.
  • Type the new text.

Edit the location

To change where a link goes:

  • From edit mode, highlight the text whose link you want to change.
  • Click the Insert drop-down and choose Insert link, then choose the type of link you want to add. Follow the instructions above under Add a link to add the type of link you want.

Delete a link

Delete a link and keep the text

To delete a link but keep the text:

  • From edit mode, highlight the text.
  • Click the Remove link icon on the editing ribbon.

Delete the link and text

To delete a link and text:

  • From edit mode, highlight the text you want to remove and click Delete. The text and its associated link will disappear.