Adding PDFs and other documents

Find out how to add PDFs and other documents to a page and how to upload a document to the Media Library.

How to add document to a page

On the City of Minneapolis transformed T4 website (www), you can only add a document to a gateway page. A gateway page provides necessary information and context about a document before a site visitor views it.

See an example of a City gateway page


  1. If you do not already have a gateway page for your document, use a gateway page template (Gateway-Single PDF or Gateway-Multiple PDFs) to create a new gateway page.
  2. Gateway page templates contain several content types, including the Gateway: Document content type. Use this content type to add your PDF or other document to the page. See Figure 1. Fields in this content type:
    • Name and Document Title: Use these fields to give the content type a name.
    • File Extension: Use the pull-down menu in this field to choose the file type for your document.
    • Document Upload: Use this field to upload your document to the page. In the Document Upload field, click the Select media button.
  3. A Select media screen will appear. Click the + sign in front of the Categorized folder to open it. Click the + sign in front of the WWW Content Assets folder. Then click on the word Documents.
  4. T4 will display all available documents. Use the filter box to search for the document you want using one or more key terms from the document.
  5. When you find the document you want to add, click on the name of the document.
  6. Save your changes to this content type.

If you want to add a document to a page and the document isn't already in the Media Library, you must first add it to the Media Library.

See How to add a document to the Media Library

Figure 1 - Gateway: Document content type

Gateway Document content type


How to add a document to the Media Library

To add a new document to the Media Library:

  1. Follow steps 1-3 above.
  2. On the Select media screen, click the green Add media button. See Figure 2.
  3. An Add media screen will appear. See Figure 3. Use this screen to add a document from your computer or the cloud.
    • Give the document a name.
    • Choose a Media type from the pull-down menu.
    • Save your changes.

Once you have added a document to the Media Library, you can use the Filter box to search for it and add it to a page.

Figure 2 - Select media screen

Select media


Figure 3 - Add media screen