Programs and Initiatives (Hidden)

Programs and Initiatives (Hidden) is an invisible content type. It should be used to add metadata in programs or initiatives. Use it to add relevant tags needed for programs and initiatives to show up.

What it will look like

This is an invisible content type. Edit this page in "Direct Edit" to see what fields are included in Programs and Initiatives (Hidden).

When to use

You should use Programs and Initiatives (Hidden) every time you create a program or initiative page.

You won’t see any display changes on the program or initiative itself. We use this content type to keep track of metadata, for when programs or initiatives are linked on other pages of the website. For example, when using the Programs and Initiatives (by Tag or Select) content type.

Best practices


  • Add a tag for every department that helped with the program or initiative. Most programs or initiatives will have only one department tag; but you're able to add more than one if needed.
  • Add a tag for every neighborhood that this program or initiative will be available for. Most programs or initiatives will not have a neighborhood tag; but you're able to add more than one if needed.
  • Add a programs and initiatives category tag. The program and initiatives category focuses on broad topics; choose a tag that fits the best. This tag will help improve search filters.
  • Follow best practices for using images.

Help us improve

Send feedback to the Digital Services Team.

Information you provide is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. This law classifies certain information as available to the public on request.