
Use the Timeline/Workflow content type to display and organize a list of important milestones, or steps in a process.

What it will look like (2 examples)

Below are examples of the Timeline/Workflow content type.

Example 1: Workflow

Example 2: Timeline

Example 1

Example 2

August 2019
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Workplace Partnership Group created

The group is created to study the impact of policy proposals related to earned sick time and paid time off. The group holds focus groups, listening sessions and consulted subject-matter experts as a part of the study.

September 2019
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Working Families Agenda created

This legislation contains several initiatives that did not move forward, however Sick & Safe Time was re-introduced in the Workplace Regulations Ordinance.

October 2019
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State of the City address

Initial idea is presented in the Mayor’s State of the City Address.


When to use

Use the Timeline content type to explain what happened during a certain period of time or to a particular project, policy, or other applicable content items.

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