Structured table

Use this content type to create an accessible table that's easy to scan. This helps our site visitors quickly view complex data on their phones and assistive devices.

What it will look like

This is an example of 5 Structured Tables stacked on top of each other. Note that some of the structured table layout & features do not display in preview.

City Parking Ramps & Rates

11th & Marquette Ramp Test

1st hourDailyMonthlyReservedEventCarpool
$5$11 (4 to 12 hours)$150$215$9 - $22$99 per month

Ramp A

1st hourDailyMonthlyReservedEventCarpool
$4$9 (4 1/2 to 12 hours)$130Not available$7 - $27$20 for I-394; $99 for other

11th & Harmon Lot

1st hourDailyMonthlyReservedEventCarpool
$4.50$11 (4 to 12 hours)$12Not availableNot availableNot available


1st hourDailyMonthlyReservedEventCarpool
$5$11 (4 to 12 hours)$12Not availableNot availableNot available

11th & Harmon Ramp

1st hourDailyMonthlyReservedEventCarpool
$4.50$11 (4 to 12 hours)$190$235$5 - $20$20 for I-394; $99 for other

When to use

This content type allows us to create accessible tables that are mobile-responsive. Since over half of site visitors browse our website on a phone, this is a great option to use for most tables.

Use this when

  • You want to let site visitors easily compare data
  • You have an especially large table, with up to 6 data points or column headings

When to consider something else

If you have a really simple chart with few columns, you may want to create a table in a text editor which is a special type of field in Terminal 4. You can do this in text editors that have a ribbon at the top with more editing options. There are a couple content types that have this type of field:

If you use this type of table, make sure you check how it looks on a phone.

Simple text editor table

11th & Marquette RampRamp ARamp B
$5 for first hour $4 for first hour $4.50 for first hour
$12 daily $9 daily $11 daily
$150 monthly $120 monthly monthly rate not available


Best practices


  • yesUse more than one Structured Table at a time to create more rows in your table.
  • yesAdd a table heading to help visitors better understand your table.
  • yesMake sure you enter the table heading in the first row of your table. It won't display otherwise.
  • yesKeep column headings and cell values short.
  • yesUse sentence case (capitalize the first word) in cells and column headings.
  • yesUse consistent column headings from row to row.


  • noDon't create tables with only 1 row.
  • noDon't leave blank cells.
  • noDon't use full sentences in cells. Keep it short, brief and scannable.


As you're creating your table, make sure you consider non-visual users:

  • Use clear & descriptive row headings. This is how non-visual users will navigate your table.
  • Don't leave cells blank. Use text instead, such as "not available", "does not apply", "no data", or even "0". Do not use dashes ("-").

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Information you provide is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. This law classifies certain information as available to the public on request.