Hero Image

Create a dramatic, visually appealing statement near the top of your page with a Hero Image.

What it will look like

Example of a heading on a Hero Image
Example of a heading on a Hero Image

When to use

Use a Hero Image when you want to use a wide, vibrant photograph to provide context for the topic of a page. With a strong, short message, this content type can make a page feel distinct and impactful.

When to consider something else

The Hero Image works best at the top of the page. If you want to show more than one image or feature images somewhere else in the page, consider using the Row of Images or Image Carousel content type.

Best practices


The heading

  • Keep the heading very short. 3 - 7 words works best.
  • Use the heading on the left when its content flows well with the rest of the page.
  • Use the heading on the right to set its content apart from the flow of the page. 


Always include an alt description and heading. Remember that not everyone will be able to see the image.

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