Multicolumn Content

Multicolumn Content allows you to add a block of one to four columns of content on your page.

What it will look like with 4 columns

This is a 4 column example.

Column 1 content. You must add at least one column, and you can add up to four columns. 

Column 2 content. 

  • This is an example of some content that is formatted as a bulleted list
  • Another bullet 
  • A third bullet

Column 3. This is one example of some content that is formatted as a paragraph. This is one example of some content that is formatted as a paragraph. This is one example of some content that is formatted as a paragraph. 


Column 4. This is another example of some content that is formatted as a paragraph. 

What it will look like with 3 columns

This is a 3 column example.

Column 1 content. You must add at least one column, and you can add up to four columns. 

Column 2 content. 

  • This is an example of some content that is formatted as a bulleted list
  • Another bullet 
  • A third bullet

Column 3. This is one example of some content that is formatted as a paragraph. This is one example of some content that is formatted as a paragraph.

What it will look like with 1 column

This is a 1 column example.

Column 1 content. You must add at least one column, and you can add up to four columns. 

When to use

Multicolumn Content is flexible and can be used it in a lot of ways to add images, text, links and more. 

  • Use the 4 column variation when you have 4 short pieces of information to share
  • Use the 1 column variation when you want to add an full-width image in between other content types, such as Scannable Paragraphs

When to consider something else

For simple and straight-forward content, use a  Scannable Paragraph.

Best practices

General Do's & Don'ts



  • Pair very long columns with very short columns.
  • Put images in your columns unless you really need to. Consider a content type that highlights images instead, like a Scannable Paragraph.


Remember to use plain language for your writing, especially when you are grouping content together in a complex format; like when using multicolumn content.

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