
Add contact information to the bottom of a page to let site visitors know who to ask if they have questions. Share addresses, appointment hours, phone numbers, email, and more. Make sur

Always mirror contacts

Never directly enter contact information on the page. Mirror the contact from the list of contacts.

What it will look like

Below is an example of several Contact blocks. Note that there is a Contact Heading added at the top of the grouping.

Contact us

Susan Trammell

Ethics Officer, Ethical Practices Board






City Hall, Room 210
350 S. 5th St.,
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Sidewalk Inspections




Hiawatha Maintenance Facility

1901 E. 26th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55404


Public works

Digital Services Team


ext 2525


Flour Exchange Building, Suite 400
310 4th Ave. S.,
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Message us

Have questions or feedback? Send us a message through our online contact form.

Send message

When to use

Not every page should have contact information. Here are some cases where you should add contacts:

  • The content relates to a specialized group or staff member
  • Site visitors have a lot of questions about the content and are reaching out to the City often

You should always add contact information to these kinds of pages:

  • Department, division, and ward pages
  • Program/initiative pages
  • Project pages

Best practices


  • Always mirror contact information to your page.
  • Always include a Contact Heading above a group of Contacts. Your content will not display properly without this.
  • Only include contact information for one person, team or department for each content type.
  • Use bold text for labels like "Email" or "Phone."
  • If email is included, make sure it has its own column
  • Include content in all columns, if possible.
  • Group similar contact information. For example, include office hours in the same column as the address.


  • Don't include long blocks of text. Keep it brief.
  • Don't include addresses where they're not needed.
  • Don't mix and match contact info for multiple groups or people in one Contact.

Add column labels

Any content in column 1, 2, & 3 should start with a label that describes what the contact information is. You can make this label by bolding the text, then hitting "enter" and adding your content on the next line in the text editor.

Add a clear T4 name

We use the "Name" field (also known as the T4 Name) to look up contact information to mirror. Make sure it's clear so other City content team members understand what the contact information is for. It is not publicly displayed on the website. No need to add "contact" into the name.

Add a clear H3 heading

The Heading field tells site visitors who they're contacting. This appears as the first column in the contact information. This should always be a Heading 3.

Options for grouping contact methods

If you have 4 or more items that could be their own column, group or limit your options. Where possible, group related information (mentioned above in the "Do" section). Alternately, consider limiting contact options, keeping the most important or common methods of contact based on your knowledge of how people generally reach out.

Formatting guidelines

Email addresses

Example: Email Phillipe Cunningham

  • Always include a mailto: link (directions below)
  • Always keep the email address in its own column
  • Always use an action phrase instead of listing the email address
  • Use the "Add/edit external link" option to add email links

Phone numbers

Example: 612-673-3737

  • Include the area code, with no parentheses or spaces
  • Include a tel:+ link (directions below)
  • Use the "Add/edit external link" option to add phone links

Fax numbers

  • Only list a fax number when needed
  • Include the area code, with no parentheses or spaces

Building addresses

Flour Exchange Building, Suite 400
310 4th Ave. S.,
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Get directions

In most cases you should include the name of the building in your address. Make sure the building name includes text that tells the visitor what it is. For example:

  • "Flour Exchange Building" instead of "Flour Exchange"
  • "Hiawatha Maintenance Facility" instead of "Hiawatha Maintenance"
  • "Public Service Center" is good as-is
  • "City Hall" is good as-is

Other guidelines

  • Add the building name and room number first, before the street address.
  • Capitalize and spell out "Room" and "Suite"
  • Abbreviate and capitalize directions and include "." (S., N.)
  • Abbreviate and capitalize streets, avenues, etc. and include "." (St., Ave.)
  • Optionally add a link to google maps directions using the "Add/edit external link" option that opens in a new window

Office or appointment hours

Help site visitors understand when they can call or visit you. List office or appointment hours only if you're also listing a phone number or a building address.

Feedback or contact forms

First, add a column label that tells the site visitor what to expect, for example: "Questions," "More help," "Message us," "Appointments," or "Feedback."

Next, include a button or link to your form. Use descriptive button language (e.g. “Contact Ward 2” instead of “Online contact form”)

Generally, we don't recommend having both an email button and a contact form button, but it's up to you to make the decision based on what's most helpful to your site visitors.

311 contact info (for departments besides 311)

Only list 311's contact information if you have no other way for site visitors to get in touch with you. Make sure you clearly label that this is contact information for 311 so site visitors understand what to expect.

Also include a link to 311's contact page so visitors can learn more about what 311 is, their hours of operation, and other ways to contact them. Do not include 311's hours in your contact information.


Phone numbers

To support click-to-call, turn phone numbers into links and prefix with tel:+ 

For example: 612-673-3000 uses the URL of tel:+1-612-673-3000

Email addresses

Use a phrase like "Email 311" for the text of a link to an email address. Highlight the text, select the link icon and choose "Insert/edit external link." Prefix the URL with mailto:

For example: Email 311 uses the URL of

Help us improve

Send feedback to the Digital Services Team.

Information you provide is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. This law classifies certain information as available to the public on request.