What to do in an emergency

Know what you should do when there is an emergency in Minneapolis.

What to do

It's important to prepare for emergencies. When you prepare for an incident, you have a better chance of avoiding harm. We explain how to prepare for an incident. We also explain what to do after an emergency and the week after it happens.

How to be prepared

What to do when there is an emergency will vary depending on the type of emergency. Learn how to prepare

Stay informed

When emergencies strike, public safety officials use timely and reliable systems to alert you. There are steps you can take to stay informed.

Search past events

Learn the types of disasters or emergencies that may occur in your area. To know what disasters and emergencies that may affect you, research past events. 

See FEMA locations tool

Know where to find information

There are many ways to stay informed about incidents:

Person on phone texting


Prepare with a plan

Make a plan to prepare for emergencies

There are four basic steps to use to make sure your plan is useful.

  1. Discuss your plan with members of your household.
  2. Consider specific needs for each member.
  3. Write your plan down.
  4. Practice your plan.

You can download templates and get ideas to inform your own plan.

Check out emergency plans at ready.gov

Create an emergency kit

A disaster supplies kit is a collection of basic items your household may need in the event of an emergency.

A basic emergency kit should have:

  • Water
  • Food
  • Weather radio
  • Flashlight
  • First aid kit
  • Items to meet your family's needs (e.g. medicine, toys, pet supplies, games)

What to do after an emergency

Know what to do after the emergency.

What to do right after an emergency

Go to a safe place

Get away from the threat of harm, if possible.

Seek help if needed

Check yourself and others for injuries. Call 911 if you need help.

Keep informed of City response

Stay informed about the situation.

Follow directions from:

  • The City of Minneapolis
  • Other official public safety groups that are involved.

What to do in the week following

Re-supply your emergency kit

  • Restock on emergency supplies that were used during the incident.
  • Add items that would have been useful during the incident.

Review your emergency plan

Make any needed changes based on lessons learned from the recent event.

Keep informed of the City's recovery efforts

Check for updates on the incident and any programs offering aid.



Two people on couch using laptop with dog nearby


Related resources

Contact us

Minneapolis 311


7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Monday – Friday

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