Sidewalk and alley maintenance

Learn how to maintain your public sidewalk and alley.

Maintain your sidewalk and alley

Property owners must take care of the sidewalks and alley across from their property.

Maintain your sidewalk

By City law, you must:

  • Keep your public sidewalk clear by seven feet.
  • Cut and remove growth and plants that hang over the edge.
  • Clear your sidewalks of snow and ice.
  • Pay for costs to build and repair your sidewalk.


Maintain your alley

By City law, you must:

  • Keep your alley clear of plants and growth by 14 feet.
  • Cut and remove growth and plants that hang over the edge.
  • Avoid shoveling snow and ice into the alley.

Note: the City will clear snow and ice from alleys. 

Sidewalk with walk sign


Pay for public sidewalk repairs

Property owners must pay for sidewalk repairs and construction.

You must pay for sidewalk repairs

Property owners are responsible for the public sidewalk that is alongside their property. 

This means paying for:

  • Damages
  • Repairs
  • Construction 

See City Ordinance 427.90

Common sidewalk damages

Some common sidewalk problems are:

  • Worn-out sidewalks
  • Trees and tree roots
  • Broken paths

Shared sidewalk panels

One sidewalk panel may be part of the neighbor’s property. You’re only responsible for the part of the sidewalk that is in front of your property.

Damaged sidewalk


Contractors must repair sidewalks

You cannot repair your public sidewalk on your own.

Only the City contractor, or a private insured contractor, can do this work.

See your sidewalk repair options

Why to maintain your sidewalk

Keep sidewalks clear for all

Sidewalks are important paths to keep clear so people can get around.

Sidewalks can:

  • Help keep neighborhoods presentable and easy to travel through
  • Prevent damage to green areas

When you clear and maintain sidewalks, you help keep them accessible for all.

Report a sidewalk issue

Contact us for more information 

Related resources

Contact us

Sidewalk Inspections

Public Works

Email Sidewalk Inspections


Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S, Room 410
Minneapolis, MN 55415