Melrose Flats

Read about the history and designation of the Melrose Flats historic landmark.


The Melrose Flats are an example of well-known architect Charles S. Sedgwick's colorful and detailed work.  

  • Location: 13-23 5th Street Northeast
  • Neighborhood: Nicollet Island - East Bank
1980 2006
Melrose Flats Circa 1980
Melrose Flats 2006


  • Architectural Style: Chicago Commercial
  • Architects: Charles Sedgwick


  • Historic use: Commercial, Residential
  • Current use: Commercial, Residential


  • Construction date: 1890–1892
  • Contractor: A.K. Tubbs


  • Area(s) of Significance: Master architect
  • Period of significance: 1890-92
  • Date of local designation: 1985
  • Designation: Exterior
  • Date of National Register designation: Not applicable

Historic profile

The Melrose Flats are an example of well-known architect Charles S. Sedgwick's colorful and detailed designs. The Chadbourn Finance Company developed the building.

Sedgwick was born in New York. He worked on the Albany State Capitol and in other states before moving to Minneapolis in 1884. He started his own firm and designed houses, churches, public buildings, and commercial blocks. He died in 1922.

Sedgwick designed the Melrose Flats in the Chicago Commercial style with some elements from other styles. It is three stories tall with a rectangular layout. The walls are red brick. It is a mixed-use building with shops, offices, and apartments. The front elevation has a lot of variation. The first story has large storefront windows with multiple recessed entrances. The second and third stories have rectangular windows with rectangular or arched transoms. Stone sills and lintels accent the windows. Some of the brick is patterned, including corbelled cornices along the roofline. There are two prominent two-story bay windows clad in wood with fish scale shingles in between the stories. The parapet wall steps up above each bay window. 


Photo credits

  • Circa 1980 photo: Minneapolis Heritage Preservation Commission
  • 2006 photo: Minneapolis Community Planning & Economic Development

Work cited

  • “Heritage Preservation Designation Study: Melrose Flats,” undated
  • Camille Kudzia, “Draft National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination Form: Melrose Flats,” August 1981
  • Alan K. Lathrop, Minnesota Architects, 2010

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Minneapolis, MN 55415