Chapter 599, Heritage Preservation Ordinance updates

Learn about our work on updates to Chapter 599 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances.


We created a local Historic Preservation ordinance in 1972. We study, protect, and honor buildings and sites important to the city’s history. In the past 52 years, we have named over 195 landmarks and created 20 historic districts. Our preservation program follows state and federal rules for protecting these sites. We are a Certified Local Government (CLG) and known for our dedication to preserving history.

Chapter 599, which guides our preservation program, was last updated in 2001. It needs revisions to keep it current. 

Overhead view of street with trees, buildings, and vehicles


Proposed changes

The proposed changes will include:

  • Making sure the ordinance matches other parts of the City’s Code and state and federal rules.
  • Updating definitions to use more modern terms.
  • Changing fees.
  • Making the appeals and Council approval processes more consistent with other Planning Division processes.
  • Removing parts of the code that are rarely or never used.
  • Clarifying and simplifying the processes for:
    • Identifying potential landmarks and historic districts.
    • Reviewing demolitions.
    • Nominating and designating landmarks and historic districts.
    • Reviewing designs for changes to historic properties.
    • Enforcing rules for unapproved work.


  • We completed a draft in October 2024.
  • City staff worked with internal and external partners to take comments on the draft.
  • The draft went to the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) for feedback on October 22, 2024.
  • Staff are making changes based on stakeholder feedback.
  • The Heritage Preservation Commission will have a public hearing to vote on the final document. We expect this to happen in Spring 2025.
  • The City Council is likely to adopt the changes in 2025.

Contact us

Rob Skalecki

Community Planning & Economic Development (CPED)




Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 320
Minneapolis, MN 55415