Vouchers for garbage drop-off

If you have City garbage service, you get vouchers to use the transfer station each year. You must request a voucher in advance.

Temporary South Transfer Station closure

The South Transfer Station will be closed for maintenance April 21 through May 5. Vouchers and Pay per Use Passes will not be issued for these dates.

Voucher overview

If you have City garbage collection, you get vouchers to use the South Transfer Station each year.

  • Up to six cleanup vouchers - each good for up to 2,000 pounds of household garbage and construction and demolition debris, and up to two large recyclable items including appliances, electronics and mattresses.
  • Up to two tire vouchers - each good for up to 8 tires. We accept tires with or without rims.
  • Each voucher can be used for one load in a single trip using one vehicle.
  • Material dropped off using a voucher must come from the property the voucher was issued for. 

Request a voucher

Know before you go

The South Transfer Station is open Tuesday to Saturday, but you have to request a voucher before you go. You cannot show up without one, and you cannot schedule a voucher on-site at the South Transfer Station.  The voucher holder must remain on site throughout the process.

If you are the utility bill payer for the property, you must call us to request a voucher.

When you call to schedule a time, you'll be asked for:

  • The specific week (Tuesday to Friday) or specific Saturday you want to drop off your items
  • The name of the person who will be bringing the materials to the transfer station
  • Confirmation that the address on this person's ID matches the address on the voucher
    • If the address on the persons ID does not match the voucher address, you will be asked to show a current utility bill (water bill) at the transfer station. 
  • The materials you plan to bring to the transfer station

Call us to request a voucher

Authorize someone else to use your voucher

You can authorize someone else to use your vouchers

  • Friend or family member
  • Contractor or garbage hauler who works for you
  • Property tax payer
  • A renter of the property
  • An employee, if the property is a business

If you're a business or management company

  • Both an employee's name and the company name will be on the voucher
  • The employee listed on the Voucher Authorization Form must be the person who goes to the South Transfer Station
  • The employee must show a valid state-issued ID 

We do not accept electronic signatures.

 Go to Voucher Authorization Form

How to drop-off items without a voucher

If you do not have City garbage collection, but do have a City utility (water) bill, you can request a pay per use pass.

How to get and use a pay per use pass

More information

Contact us

Solid Waste & Recycling

Public Works




You must call to request a voucher.


Eastside Maintenance Facility

2635 University Ave NE

Minneapolis, MN 55418

Office hours

9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Monday – Friday

This building is closed to the public.