Collection rules
- Bag your garbage – Garbage must be bagged and must fit inside the garbage cart with the lid closed.
- Weight limits:
- Large carts – No more than 200 pounds
- Small carts – No more than 150 pounds
- Pickup time – Your garbage may be picked up anytime between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. on your collection day. Make sure your cart is at your designated collection point (the alley or curb line) by 6 a.m. on your pickup day. The City decides your collection day and pickup location, and it cannot be changed.
- Curb collection - If you have curbside pickup, you must move your carts away from the curb line by 7 a.m. the day after collection. Carts cannot be stored in areas of the front yard visible from the curb line.
Missed pickup
Please call our office the following business day day to report a miss. Missed pickups reported by email may not be received in time to send the crew back before your next pickup day.
If your cart was not out when the crew was at your house, we will not send them back.
Street address numbers
If you have a public alley, your street address must be visible in the back of your property by City ordinance. If your street address cannot be readily seen by collection crews, we'll install easily visible numbers and add a fee to your utility bill.