
The City picks up garbage weekly. Learn about what we accept and our drop-off site for extra garbage.

Most collection unaffected by winter weather, some delayed

Solid Waste & Recycling customers may experience delays in collection of mattresses or other large recyclable items. Please leave these items at your curb or alley line until they are collected. Collection of large items should take place before the end of the week. Collection of garbage, recycling and organics should be collected on your regular pickup day.

Annual mailer delay

Due to paper shortages, annual mailers will be sent out mid-March. Please contact our office if you do not receive your guide by mid-April. Use our collection day lookup tool if you have questions before your guide arrives. After finding your collection day, you can also sign up to receive Recycling Reminder emails.

I want to

garbage, recycling and organics carts

Look up your collection day

Find out when to set your carts out. You can also sign up for recycling reminder emails and get tips for reducing, recycling and composting.

Contact us

Solid Waste & Recycling

Public Works





Eastside Maintenance Facility

2635 University Ave NE

Minneapolis, MN 55418

Office hours

8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday

This building is closed to the public.