Pet licenses and animal permits

It's important to know what license or permit you need.

Getting a pet license


  • All dogs and cats over four months old must be licensed and wear a collar with the license tags.
  • All ferrets must be licensed.
  • Before you apply for a pet license:
    • Your pet must be up to date with its rabies vaccination.
    • You must pay any unpaid fines.

How to apply

Applying for a pet license is easy. 

You can apply:

  • Online
  • By mail
  • In person at our shelter

What to bring:

  • A photo ID
  • Proof of current rabies vaccination for your pet

What not to bring:

  • If you come to our shelter to get a license, please leave your pet at home.

Apply for a pet license

Licensing saves pet lives

  • The information on your pet's license tag helps us know where they live.
  • Nearly 100% of pets with license tags are returned home.
  • You can help lost animals by displaying a lawn sign to promote our licensing program. Pick up a free sign during our normal business hours at our shelter.

See shelter address and hours

Reduced-cost pet licenses

You can buy a reduced-cost pet license online if you email proof of the following to Pet Licensing:

  • Your income is less than $40,000 for a household of four or more
    • Show your most recent tax return
  • You take part in at least one of the following programs:
    • Food stamps
    • Free or reduced lunch program (public schools)
    • Social Security Disability (SSD)
    • MinnesotaCare or Medical Assistance (MA)
    • Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
    • HUD Section 8 Housing
    • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
    • Major VA disability
    • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

Email Pet Licensing

Multiple animals

You need a multiple animal permit if you own:

  • Four or more cats
  • Four or more dogs
  • Five or more of the following in any combination: cats, dogs, rabbits, ferrets

Application process and costs:

  1. Contact 311 to apply for a permit.
  2. Let an animal control officer inspect your home to make sure the animals are being kept in safe and livable condition.
  3. Pay $80 for the one-year permit.
  4. Pay $55 each year to renew the permit.

Contact 311

Off-leash dog park permit

You need to buy a permit before you bring your dog to an off-leash dog park in Minneapolis.

Get an off-leash dog park permit from the Minneapolis Park Board

See a map of off-leash dog parks in Minneapolis

Backyard chickens and other fowl

You can keep chickens, turkeys, ducks, pigeons and quail with a fowl permit. Do not purchase any birds until your permit is approved. 

Application process and costs:

  1. Contact 311 to apply for a permit. You will have to:
    • Show proof of consent from your neighbors.
    • Attend an approved fowl education course.
    • Provide a copy of zoning approval from the City's Community Planning & Economic Development department.
  2. Let an animal control officer inspect your home to make sure the animals are being kept in safe and livable conditions.
  3. Pay the application fee for one-year permit.
  4. Pay a renewal every year to keep the permit.  

Contact 311

Annual Fowl Permit Application Fees
Number of birds Application fee Annual renewal fee
1–6 $30 $30
7–15 $55 $55
16–30 $80 $80
Roosters $105 $105

Read City of Minneapolis Ordinance 63.90 - Fowl


You can keep honeybees after purchasing a permit. Do not purchase any bees until your permit is approved. 

Application process and costs:

  • Apply for a permit. You will have to:
    • Complete an application.
    • Notify your next door neighbors.
    • Create a honeybee management plan.
    • Attend an approved education course.
  • Pay a $105 permit application fee.
  • Renew the permit every year by January 31. 

Apply for a honeybee permit

Read City of Minneapolis Ordinance 63.100 - Honeybees

Amphibian and reptile permits

Animals not allowed anywhere in the city

  • noPoisonous, toxic or venomous amphibians or reptiles 
  • noCrocodiles, gharials, caimans, alligators, tuatara or turtles with a shell smaller than 4 inches

Animals that are allowed but may require a permit

You need a permit for:

  • yesNonvenomous snakes bigger than 4 feet
  • yesNonvenomous and nontoxic lizards bigger than 3 feet
  • yesTurtles with shells bigger than 10 inches

You do not need a permit for:

  • yesNonpoisonous and nontoxic species of amphibians
  • yesNonvenomous snakes smaller than 4 feet
  • yesNonvenomous and nontoxic lizards smaller than 3 feet
  • yesTurtles with a shell between 4 and 10 inches 

Application process and costs:

  1. Contact 311 to apply for a permit.
  2. Let an animal control officer inspect your home to make sure the animals are being kept in safe and livable conditions.
  3. Pay $80 for the one-year permit.
  4. Pay $55 each year to renew the permit.

Contact 311

Animal event permit

If you want to hold an event that involves a hoofed or wild animal, such as a circus, petting zoo or wedding, you need an animal event permit.

Learn more and apply for an animal event permit

Map of animal permits

See the locations of fowl, honeybee and multiple animal permits in Minneapolis.

Contact us

Minneapolis Animal Care & Control






Animal Care & Control
212 17th Ave. N.
Minneapolis, MN 55411

Get directions

Shelter hours

Monday 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Wednesday 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Thursday 1 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Friday 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Saturday 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Sunday Closed

Closed on City holidays

See list of City holidays


No scheduled appointment times are needed for pet adoptions.
Other services: Use our appointment scheduler

Minneapolis 311

Email Minneapolis 311


7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Monday – Friday

See list of City holidays