The minimum wage across the city of Minneapolis has risen to $15.57 for all employers.

July 9, 2024

The minimum wage across the city of Minneapolis has risen to $15.57 for all employers.

On January 1, 2024, larger employers (more than 100 employees) and franchises started paying at least $15.57.  

On July 1, 2024, all other employers (100 or fewer employees) reached the same required minimum wage of $15.57.  

Coverage depends on the physical location (in the city of Minneapolis) of the employee while the employee is performing work, regardless of the employee’s age or training.  

Employers must display and distribute the Labor Standards Poster. At the start of their employment, all employees must also receive written, pre-hire notices. Both resources can be in electronic or printed form, as well as in Spanish.  
If you need more information about the minimum wage ordinance, you can contact 311 or email 
