Minneapolis officially recognized as the second UNICEF Child Friendly City in the country

February 14, 2024

The City of Minneapolis puts children first, with City leaders and partners committed to creating a supportive environment for young people.

Recognizing this effort, The United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF USA) has announced Minneapolis as the second city in the country to receive the UNICEF Child Friendly Cities designation. The recognition takes place on the fourth anniversary of the City Council’s resolution to take the steps towards becoming a UNICEF Child Friendly City.

Houston became the first Child Friendly City in August of 2023.

The UNICEF Child Friendly Cities Initiative (CFCI)

CFCI aims to improve the safety and inclusion of children and young people, their meaningful participation and access to equitable social services, safe and healthy living environments, play and leisure opportunities.

A UNICEF Child Friendly Cities designation:

  • Recognizes a city’s advancement of child rights.
  • Shows commitment to eliminating discrimination against children through local government policies and actions. 
  • Fosters inclusive participation through child and youth councils.
  • Indicates a thorough assessment of the community was conducted, a detailed local plan was created, and that much of the plan was implemented.

Prioritizing children in Minneapolis

City leaders are investing in our youth’s physical and mental well-being by addressing key areas:

  • Eliminating barriers to accessible health care.
  • Providing after-school opportunities.
  • Offering mental health and substance use resources.
  • Creating job programs.
