Sidewalk repairs
The City selects sidewalks to repair every year.
Program overview

Every year, Public Work's Sidewalk Inspections team picks different parts of the city to fix sidewalks. We fix the sidewalks that are uneven or damaged.
How we work
- Crews repair sidewalks block by block.
- Repairs usually take one to two days on a single block.
- Crews move down a street in an area until complete.
- We move to the next street until we complete all work in an area.
You'll get a notice if your property is in one of the areas we plan to fix.
Traffic impacts
No parking is allowed on streets next to sidewalk repairs.
Project phase
This program is ongoing.
In Progress

Related resources
Contact us
Sidewalk Inspections
Public Works
Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S, Room 410
Minneapolis, MN 55415