Nicollet Ave. Bridge over Minnehaha Creek

The City of Minneapolis will rehab the historic Nicollet Ave bridge over Minnehaha Creek.

Key information




Nicollet Avenue bridge over the Minnehaha Creek.


Project overview

The Nicollet Ave. bridge over Minnehaha Creek is also known as Bridge No. 90591. The bridge was built in 1923 and repaired in 1973. Currently, the bridge is 63 feet wide and 816 feet long. 

The bridge has:

  • Bike lanes on both sides
  • Sidewalks
  • Two lanes for vehicles

The bridge is eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. Repairing it will allow use for many years to come.

We're still deciding on construction funding. Estimated construction timetable is 18 months.

What the repairs will include

We'll replace and fix all structural elements of the bridge and roadway. The repaired bridge will be 60’-4” wide.

The bridge will have:

  • 6-foot wide protected bike lanes
  • 8-foot wide pedestrian sidewalks
  • Two 11-foot traffic lanes

View interactive map

Traffic impacts

We'll close the bridge to all traffic during construction, including:

  • Cars
  • Bikes
  • Pedestrians

We'll note the detour routes in the future.

Open house

Nicollet Ave bridge over Minnehaha Creek - Public Open house

The City of Minneapolis has secured funding to rehabilitate the historic Nicollet Ave Bridge over Minnehaha Creek. Please join us in-person to learn more, discuss the project with staff, and provide
feedback. Meeting materials will be posted online after the open house.

  • Thursday, March 27, 2025
  • 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
  • Washburn Library (meeting room), 5244 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis

Past meetings

Tangletown neighborhood annual meeting - May 20, 2024

The project team presented at the Tangletown neighborhood annual meeting to share a project overview and answer project questions.

Nicollet bridge - Project overview

Nicollet bridge - Presentation

Public open house - August 23, 2022

The project team held an in-person open house for attendees to learn more, discuss the project with staff, and provide feedback. 

Open house - Project boards presentation 1

Open house - Project boards presentation 2

Open house - Meeting summary

Windom Community Council meeting - June 9, 2022

The project team spoke at the Windom Community Council meeting to share an overview of the project and answer questions.

Kenny neighborhood meeting - May 19, 2022

The project team spoke at the Kenny neighborhood meeting to share a project overview and answered questions about the project.

Tangletown neighborhood meeting - May 16, 2022

The project team presented at the Tangletown neighborhood meeting to share a project overview and answer project questions.

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Project phase

This project is in design phase.



In Progress


Contact us

Meseret Wolana

Public Works

Transportation Engineering & Design

