Logan Park Industrial

The City will fully reconstruct several streets in the Logan Park Industrial area of northeast Minneapolis.

Key information




Logan Park Industrial neighborhood in northeast Minneapolis

Logan Park Northeast Park

Project overview

The City is going to rebuild a few streets in Northeast Minne­apolis. The project area is centered around Central Avenue and the BNSF rail line. This was an industrial area, but has changed in recent years. It now includes apartments, artist studios, offices, and restaurants. This project will replace the old streets, sidewalks, and other public infrastructure. It will also update the street design to better meet the needs of the neighborhood.

Upgrades may include:

  • New signs and pavement markings
  • New sidewalks
  • Pedestrian ramps that comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Bicycle accommodations
  • Pavement, curb, and gutter improvements
  • Utility improvements

The Logan Park neighborhood produced a report on their vision for Quincy St NE.

Read the Logan Legacy Street Taskforce report on their website

Project goals

The project aims to:

  • Replace and upgrade old roads, sidewalks, and other public infrastructure
  • Make sure that people can walk, bike, and roll safely, easily, and comfortably
  • Improve how the streets work while keeping unique features of the area
  • Determine what the community wants for the area through public engagement
  • Support the current and future variety of land uses
  • Support the area as a destination district

Project area

We plan to include the following streets:

  • 12th Ave NE, from Jackson St to Central Ave
  • 13th Ave NE, from Central Ave to Tyler St
  • 14th Ave NE, from Quincy St to Tyler St
  • Jackson St NE, from Broadway St to 12th Ave
  • Quincy St NE, from Broadway St to 15th Ave
  • Tyler St NE, from Broadway St to 13th Ave
  • Van Buren St NE, from 14th Ave to dead end at Northrup King Building

View interactive map

Existing conditions

Many of the streets in the project area were built of brick over 100 years ago. Much of the old brick remains but has been patched over many times, creating an uneven surface. The streets lack a proper stormwater system resulting in drainage issues. Many places have missing sidewalks and pedestrian ramps. This makes the area difficult to navigate for many, including people with disabilities.

Community Engagement

Round 1 engagement

Public Works hosted a Community Design Workshop on September 16 and 17, 2024. The workshop was held to begin exploring potential street designs for the project area.

See concepts developed by the public

See workshop boards provided by the design team

Logan Park design workshop with community members.

Round 2 engagement

Public Works held an open house on November 20, 2024. We also presented at meetings held by neighborhood groups and to artists at the Northrup King Building. The project team gave updates on the project's engagement and design process. We also shared a set of draft concept layouts at the open house event.

View the Presentation

See the Community Survey #1 Results

View the Round 2 Boards – Project Update

View the Round 2 Boards – Design Details

See Draft Concept Layouts

A group of people gathered at an engagement event.

Round 3 engagement

Public Works held an open house on February 19, 2025. We also presented to the Lower Northeast Neighborhoods Association and other stakeholder groups. During round 3, we showed a recommended concept layout for all streets in the project area except for Quincy. We also shared a summary of what we heard in engagement and an update on Quincy Street.

As an outcome of this round of engagement, we will be advancing the concept layouts for the following streets:

  • 12th Ave NE
  • 13th Ave NE
  • 14th Ave NE (east of the railroad)
  • Jackson St NE
  • Tyler St NE
  • Van Buren ST NE

See the Recommended Concept Layouts

View the Round 3 Boards

A group of people looking at concept layouts.

Quincy Street update

Public Works has separated the process for Quincy Street from the other streets. This decision will allow us to consider more design options and get more feedback on them. We will continue to engage with the public as we develop the new design concepts. Please join the email list to be updated when new information is available.

A brick paved street covered with large, overlapping patches of asphalt. Cars are parked along either side of the street.
The edge of a brick paved street showing pooled water, a concrete curb broken into many pieces and a deteriorated asphalt sidewalk.

Planning and funding

We provide information about the planning and funding of the Logan Park Industrial project in OpenGov.

Project phase

This project is currently gathering input.



In Progress


Contact us

Katie White

Senior Transportation Planner
Public Works



Andrew Schmitz
Associate Transportation Planner
Public Works





Public Service Building
505 Fourth Avenue South, Room 410
Minneapolis, MN 55415