Irving Ave. N. sanitary sewer replacement
2020 - 2022
Irving Ave. N. from Currie Ave. W. through Bryn Mawr Meadows park to Laurel Ave. W. and Morgan Ave. S. Bryn MawrProject overview
The original part of the sanitary sewer was built along Irving Ave. N. in 1905. Over the years, poor soils have caused the sewer to settle leading to repairs on parts of it. We will construct the new sewer on a deeper foundation to reduce the need for future maintenance.
- Be parallel to the existing sewer
- Improve sanitary flow and reduce groundwater infiltration into the sewer
- Provide capacity for planned development in the area
Traffic impacts
The intersection of Laurel Ave W & Morgan Ave S will be closed off to general traffic due to staging of the project.
The Luce Line bike trail through the project is closed for public use temporarily while work is occurring. The bike trail detour route includes Cedar Lake Rd, Newton Ave S, and Oliver Ave S, where bikers can access bike trails within Bryn Mawr Park.
General vehicular traffic will be detoured along Cedar Lake Rd, Newton Ave S/Oliver Ave S, then back onto Oliver Ave S where Bryn Mawr Park can be accessed at the South entrance.
There will be noise and vibration caused by the need for the sewer to have stronger support. We will be using piling, which is a type of structural support.
Project timeline
Construction will occur in two phases.
Phase one
Phase one along Irving Ave. N. is complete.
Phase two
- Phase two construction will be along Bryn Mawr Meadows park to Laurel Ave. W. and Morgan Ave S.
- Construction is scheduled to begin January 24, 2022 and will last about six months.
Project phase
This project is complete.
In Progress

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Contact us
Kelly MacIntyre
Professional Engineer
Surface Water and Sewers
Public Works