Franklin Ave. W. resurfacing

The City removed and added a new layer of asphalt along Franklin Ave. W. from Oliver Ave. S. to Hennepin Ave.

Key information




Franklin Ave. W. from Oliver Ave. S. to Hennepin Ave., in uptown Minneapolis

Kenwood Lowry Hill

Project overview

We replace the top layer of asphalt pavement in this ongoing street maintenance program. This extends the life of a street between larger reconstructions. The new pavement should last about 10 years.

This resurfacing project helps to improve the safety along the corridor. It also brings this street more in line with our city policies and goals:

  • Complete Streets policy
  • Vision Zero policy
  • Transportation Action Plan (TAP)

The Transportation Action Plan identifies this segment of Franklin Ave W as a bicycle corridor.

This project coordinates with future adjacent reconstruction projects.

These other projects include:

  • Franklin Ave between Hennepin and Lyndale (2022)
  • Hennepin Avenue between Douglas Ave and Lake Street (2025)

Franklin Ave W recommended layout

View interactive map

Traffic impacts

This road was closed and detoured to through traffic during asphalt milling and paving.


  • We removed and replaced select concrete curb and gutter pieces the week of September 20, 2021.
  • We completed mill and overlay the week of September 27, 2021.

Project phase

This project is complete.



In Progress


Contact us

Amy Barnstorff 

Transportation Planner
Public Works

Email Amy Barnstorff



Public Service Building
505 Fourth Avenue South, Room 410
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Hazel Wolf

Supervisor Engineering Technician
Public Works

Email Hazel Wolf

