Elliot Park Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Improvements

The City will make safety improvements for people to walk, roll, bike, and drive.

Key information




11th Ave S from 17th St E to 4th St S

Downtown East Elliot Park

Project overview

The project will make traffic safety improvements along 11th Ave S from 17th St E to 4th St S.

Intersection safety improvements will focus on:

  • 11th Ave S & 17th St E
  • 11th Ave S & 15th St E

Safety improvements at intersections and along corridor may include:

  • Curb extensions
  • Pedestrian refuge islands
  • Signal or flashing beacon
  • Striping changes
  • Protected bikeway


Project goals

Project goals include the following:

  • Improve safety for people walking and rolling

  • Make it easier to cross at intersections

  • Reduce car travel speeds and unsafe driving

  • Provide a safe and comfortable bicycle route


Project timeline

2025: Planning and community engagement

2026: Design

2027: Construction

Project phase

This project is in the input phase.



In Progress


Contact us

Gustave Stewart

Associate Transportation Planner
Public Works

