58th St. W. and Sunrise Dr. resurfacing and bikeway
58th St. W. and Sunrise Dr. between Lyndale Ave. S./Hwy. 121 and 60th St. W. in south Minneapolis KennyProject overview
We plan to maintain and improve these streets by:
- Adding bike lanes
- Reducing the width of the travel lanes
- Replacing sections of curb with new concrete
- Grinding off the top layer of asphalt pavement
- Adding new asphalt pavement
Project goals
The goals of this project include:
- Improve overall safety for all users on this road
- Increase comfort and predictability of all users
- Support current and future bicycle use
We also hope to follow our city policies and goals, such as:
- Complete Streets policy
- Vision Zero policy
- Transportation Action Plan
Upcoming virtual public meeting
Public Works staff will hold a virtual public meeting to:
- Provide an overview of the construction schedule
- Discuss construction impacts
- Answer questions and concerns
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
via Microsoft Teams
Call-in option
You may call into the live event at the number below.
- 612-276-6670 (United States, Minneapolis)
- Phone Conference ID: 933 069 546#
- Find a local number
Help with Microsoft Teams
Anyone can join a Microsoft Teams web meeting. A free software download may be required. The type of download may vary based on how you join the meeting (computer, android device, apple device).
Existing conditions
Reported crashes
Some crashes have been reported on 58th St. W. and Sunrise Dr. between Lyndale Ave. and 60th St. W. (2017 - 2021)
- Reported motor vehicle crashes: 13
- % of crashes with injuries: 15%
Source: Minnesota Department of Transportation (2021)
Project resources
Complete streets checklist
58th St. W. & Sunrise Dr. resurfacing and bikeway complete streets checklist
Project timeline
Summer - Fall 2021
Data collection and public engagement
Winter 2021
Concept development
Summer 2022
Construction begins.
Project phase
This project is completed.
In Progress