38th Street, Blaisdell Ave to Park Ave
Project overview
The City plans to reconstruct around 0.7 miles of 38th Street East and West between Blaisdell Ave and Park Ave S.
Right now, there are sidewalks on both sides of the street, two travel lanes, and two parking lanes. The area around the street is a mix of different types of buildings, like homes, stores, and other kinds of businesses.
This project is a full reconstruction project that will include:
- New sidewalks
- ADA pedestrian ramps
- Bump outs
- New pavement, curb and gutter
- Utility updates
The project will also include signal improvements, new signage, and new pavement markings, as needed.
Project purpose
This project is intended to improve the right-of-way for all users and modes of travel. This street was built in 1960 and is beyond its expected useful life. Even though some parts of the street were improved in the last ten years, the old road is still causing problems. The City measured the pavement condition in 2017 and it was rated "good", but it will keep getting worse until the road is rebuilt. This project will make the road better for people who walk, bike, and drive.
This project also gives us a chance to include and improve:
- ADA compliant curb ramps
- Address sidewalk obstructions
- Add new pedestrian-scaled lighting
The City will ask the community for ideas on how to make the road safer for everyone. Through a process that includes:
- Preliminary planning
- A detailed design
- Community engagement
Every day, between 200 and 610 people walk, 140 to 290 people bike, and between 4,750 and 9,800 people drive on this street. The city has a plan called Vision Zero that has identified this road as a High Injury Street. To help get rid of traffic crashes that result in severe injuries and deaths, we are prioritizing this street for changes.
Project phase
The project is currently in the input phase.