U and T visa

Our City does not issue U and T visas, but we can certify them. We explain the purpose of the visas, who can get them and how to request certification.
Close-up of furled U.S. flag

Get your U or T visa certified

Be sure to send your certification request to the right department. We explain where to send it and outline the application and certification process.

What a U visa can do for you

  • Give you nonimmigrant status
  • Allow you to come to or stay in the United States
  • Offer you protection

Who is eligible for U visa certification 

Immigrants who:

  • Are victims of one or more qualifying crimes that occurred in the United States, or
  • Have qualifying family members who are victims of a qualifying crime that occurred in the United States
  • Have useful information concerning the crime
  • Have been helpful, are being helpful, or are likely help us with:
    • Investigation of the crime
    • Prosecution of the people who committed the crime

See a list of qualifying criminal activities

Read about filing for qualifying family members


What a T visa can do for you

  • Give you nonimmigrant status
  • Allow you to stay in the United States for up to four years
  • Let you apply for:
    • Nonimmigrant status for qualifying family members
    • Employment authorization (EAD)
    • Certain federal and state benefits and services
    • Permanent Lawful Resident status, also known as a Green Card

Who is eligible for T visa certification

Immigrants who are:

  • Victims of severe forms of human trafficking either now or in the past
  • In the United States or at a port of entry due to trafficking
  • Working with a law enforcement agency in the investigation and prosecution of human trafficking
  • Eligible for admission to the United States or a waiver of admissibility
  • Able to show that being removed from the United States will cause them to suffer extreme hardship, including unusual and severe harm

 See the list of federal and state benefits and services available to victims of human trafficking

 Read about applying for admission to the United States

Contact us

Kerri Johnson

City Attorney's Office




City Hall
Attn: U Visa Certification
350 Fifth St. S., Room 210
Minneapolis, MN 55415