Nicollet Mall and downtown transit changes
The City is exploring changes to transit routes downtown. This work is part of re-envisioning the future of Nicollet Mall.
Community input
Share your thoughts on changes to Nicollet Mall and downtown transit. You can take part in surveys, an open house, and pop up events.
Status at a glance
The initiative is currently in the community input phase.
Community input
In progress
Exploring changes
Community Planning and Economic Development (CPED) is exploring changes to Nicollet Mall, apart from this work. CPED and Public Works are teaming up to improve downtown and Nicollet Mall.
Related resources
Contact us
Amy Barnstorff
Transportation Planner
Public Works
Public Service Building
505 Fourth Avenue South, Room 410
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Community Planning & Economic Development (CPED)
Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 320
Minneapolis, MN 55415