Rental assistance
Who can apply
The student must:
- Attend a rental assistance eligible school
See eligible schools - Be experiencing homelessness
See definition of homelessness
This program is not available for students in a:
- Charter school
- Private school
Student families must:
- Have a household income at or below 30% of area median
- Be referred into the program by a school social worker
How to apply

- Talk to your school social worker.
- School social workers make program referrals.
We decide on referrals by:
- Academic needs
- Family's housing history
- Availability of school referral openings
Immigration status
Immigration documentation status does not affect a family’s eligibility.
Public housing waiting lists
Program participants will stay on Minneapolis Public Housing Authority (MPHA) waiting lists for:
- Public housing
- Housing choice vouchers
Eligible schools
- Anishinabe Academy
- Bancroft Elementary
- Bethune Arts
- Bryn Mawr Elementary
- Cityview Elementary
- Ella Baker Global Studies and Humanities
- Emerson Dual Language*
- Folwell Elementary
- Green Central Dual Language
- Hall STEM Academy
- Hmong International Academy
- Jenny Lind Elementary
- Lake Nokomis (Keewaydin & Wenonah)*
- Las Estrellas Dual Language
- Loring Elementary*
- Lucy Craft Laney Elementary
- Lyndale Elementary*
- Marcy Arts
- Nellie Stone Johnson Elementary
- Pillsbury Elementary
- Seward Montessori*
- Sullivan STEAM
- Webster Elementary
- Whittier Elementary
*Schools added for the 2023-2024 school year.
Definition of homelessness
Nighttime residence
This program defines homelessness as children and youth who lack a nighttime residence that is:
- Fixed
- Regular
- Adequate
This includes children and youth living in the following situations:
- Shelters or transitional housing programs
- Motels, hotels or weekly rate housing
- Double up with friends or relatives because family cannot find or afford housing
- Abandoned buildings, public space, car or other inadequate accommodation
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
This definition comes from the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 2001.
The McKinney-Vento act requires schools to remove barriers to:
- Enrollment
- Attendance
- Success for students experiencing homelessness
More support programs
If you or someone you know needs housing help, contact:
- Hennepin County Emergency Assistance
- Hennepin County Tenant Resource Center
- United Way 211
- Community Action Partnership of Hennepin County
The City of Minneapolis offers other support for renters. See Renters
Contact us
Jamie Radel
Community Planning & Economic Development
Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 320
Minneapolis, MN 55401