Registration details

It's important to make a plan and submit an event application as early as possible.

Become a block club leader

Make your plan

  • Outline the details 
    • Location
    • Start and end time
    • Activities
    • Expected attendance
  • Determine if you need to close your street or alley entrance 
    • You must notify your neighbors of the event for street closure approval
      • CPS will provide a flyer for you to use for notification purposes
    • Not every street can blocked off depending on traffic flow
    • Bus routes and high traffic streets cannot be used 
  • Request an officer
    • In your application, you can request to have a police officer attend your NNO gathering
    • We try to honor these requests but can not guarantee that officers will be able to attend
  • Request a fire truck, police canine, or police mounted patrol.
    • Call 311
  • Make an event promotion plan
    • We create a master list of all NNO gatherings in our city
      • We share a map with our police officers for those parties requesting an officer to visit
    • You are responsible for promoting your NNO gathering to your neighbors
    • We have flyers in many languages and other documents to help plan and promote your event

See National Night Out documents

Submit your application 

You should know

  • Application deadline is Tuesday, July 29
  • There is no cost to apply, use the street or participate in the NNO gathering
  • You will receive your event permit number during the online application process

Complete and submit the National Night Out Registration form online

Contact us

Crime Prevention Specialists

Minneapolis Police Department