Cleanup at Minnehaha 3000

Learn about the ongoing clean-up efforts at the Minnehaha 3000 property.

Cleanup update at Minnehaha 3000

The building at 3000 Minnehaha Ave has been vacated since the summer of 2020. It was damaged by fire and water. In the months following the damage, we’ve cleared all interior debris from the building.

This includes:

  • Furnishings
  • Carpet
  • Ceiling tile

Property Service has been working with Public Works to maintain the property. We’ve done this since 2020 and will continue throughout the winter of 2024.

Our work includes:

  • Regular wellness checks of the site and building
  • Clearing trash from the site
  • Removing signs and graffiti
  • Making sure that this property remains secure

Cleanup goals and removing the barriers

In 2024, the City allocated $1.5 million for this work. The goal is to make the building secure and passable.

This means we can:

  • Secure it without barriers surrounding the property.
  • Allow people to inspect and perform work safely inside the building.

Once the building is secure and safe to enter, we’ll remove the:

  • Temporary fencing
  • Barriers
  • Razor wire

The City is eager to meet this goal. We understand the effect the facility’s appearance has on the community. We share your concerns to address it.

We’ll continue our work until we meet our goal and can remove the barriers.

Repairs inside the building

The City has completed many site clean-ups and maintenance. We’ve partnered with the Lake Street Project on this ongoing work. 

We’re also addressing structure items with third party consultants. This work is ongoing. 

Other work in progress includes: 

  • Engineering 
  • Repairs to key service components 

This work cannot be seen from the street view but are necessary first steps.

Completing this work will allow us to: 

  • Replace windows and doors
  • Rebuild the front entry
  • Complete other repairs

Contact us

Minnehaha 3000 Team

Office of Public Service


Public Service Center
250 S. Fourth St. 
Minneapolis, MN 55414