Minneapolis Democracy Center community space RFP

We're requesting proposals for bids for the community-use space.



Following extensive outreach with neighbors, including residents and business owners, the City is planning to renovate the former 3rd precinct police building into a democracy center. It will house Elections and Voter Services as well as an 8,000-square-foot ground-floor space for community use. 

Plans & Timeline

Election & Voter Services

Community use feedback

Results of the Pulse survey (Question: Which of the following would you most like to see included in the community use space?): 

Top selections for community use space 

  1. Social services (housing, finances, mental health, substance abuse, etc.): 48%
  2. Cultural center: 12% 
  3. Community gathering space: 14%
  4. Business commercial center: 14%
  5. Museum memorial: 7%
  6. Other: 5%

Pulse Survey Report

Request for Proposals

Applications are open

The City is looking for a commercial or non-profit group to serve as a tenant to lease and program the 8,000 square feet of community space. An RFP has been issued to solicit bids for proposals for the community use space. Proposals are due March 14, 2025.  

Submit your proposal

Contact us

Minneapolis Democracy Center Team

Office of Public Service


Public Service Center
250 S. Fourth St. 
Minneapolis, MN 55414