Commercial and multifamily buildings

You can apply for up to $75,000 in funds to reduce your building's energy use.


Exterior of Minneapolis apartment building

We help fund new energy-saving technology projects.

  • Get help for projects you haven't started yet.
  • Do not apply for funding for projects you have already started or finished.

What to know


Apply for funding



Eligible properties

Your property must meet these criteria:

  • Located in the City of Minneapolis
  • Property type is one of the following categories:
    • Business/commercial
    • Industrial
    • Multifamily (five units or more)
    • Nonprofit

Eligible projects

Your project must either:

  • Qualify for an Xcel or CenterPoint utility rebate
  • Electrify a piece of gas equipment

Other criteria:

  • Grants, matches and rebates cannot exceed your total project cost.


City match

commercial building with sky in background


Your City match is based on both of these:

  • The total cost of the project
  • The incentive category for which your project qualifies
Category Maximum match
Base 20% up to $20,000
Environmental Justice 30% up to $30,000
Affordable Housing 40% up to $40,000
Energy benchmarked building 25% up to $75,000

Incentive categories

Base category

Any eligible property

Environmental justice category

Property must be located either in a Minneapolis:

Affordable housing category

Property qualifies for an affordable housing or utility bill support program, such as:

Energy benchmarking and equipment

Energy benchmarked building

Commercial and multifamily residential buildings greater than 50,000 square feet under the city’s Energy Benchmarking ordinance.

Read the Energy Benchmarking ordinance

Equipment guidelines

Equipment must meet the recommended minimum efficiency guidelines. Exception: if a utility energy audit partner recommends otherwise.

See recommended minimum efficiency guidelines

Minimum guidelines


  • AFUE - Annual fuel utilization efficiency
  • ECM - Electronically commutated motor
  • EER - Energy efficiency ratio
  • EF - Energy factor
  • HSFP - Heating seasonal performance factor
  • IEER - Integrated energy efficiency ratio
  • SEER - Seasonal energy efficiency rating
  • UEF - Uniform energy factor
Boiler 95% AFUE
Furnace 96% AFUE or higher
ECM motor
Gas water heater tank < 75,000 BTU .68 UEF
Gas water heater tank > 75,000 BTU 88% efficient
Gas water heater tankless .87 UEF
Heat pump water heater 3.5 EF
Attic/roof insulation - pitch roof R-50 or as much as possible with air sealing
Attic/roof insulation - flat roof Evaluated case by case
Wall insulation R-11 or as much as possible
Attic joist insulation Minimum of R-10
Ventilation - bathroom exhaust Multispeed with ECM motor

Air source heat pumps


Central: 15.2 SEER2 (10 EER2), HSFP2 8.1

Non-ducted: 16 SEER2 (9.0 EER2), HSFP2 9.5

Rooftop Unit

<5.4 tons: 11.05 EER and 13.7 SEER or greater

5.4 - 11.3 tons: 11.3 EER and 12.2 IEER or greater

11.4 - 19.9 tons: 10.1 EER and 12.1 IEER or greater

20 - 63.3 tons: 10.9 EER and 12 IEER or greater

>63.3 tons: 10.9 EER and 12 IEER or greater

LED lighting

DLC listed

Triple pane windows 

Energy STAR Northern Climate

Get started

The first thing you should do is schedule an energy audit.

  • We recommend scheduling the audit at least one month before the application is due.

Helpful organizations

Contact one of these organizations for help:

Contact us

Green Cost Share

Minneapolis Health Department




Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 520
Minneapolis, MN 55415