
You can sign up to take part in the Graffiti Paint Over Program through the online web form
When painting over graffiti on traffic signal poles
- Use a brush or roller to apply paint
- Do not change the color of the pole
- Do not paint over posters, stickers or tape.
When painting over graffiti on control boxes
- Paint the entire surface of the cabinet
- Use a brush or roller to apply paint
- Do not paint doors or locks shut
- Do not paint over epoxy covers
- Do not change the color of the cabinet
- Do not paint over posters, stickers or tape
When painting over graffiti on fire hydrants
- Do not cover the white part of the hydrant with red paint. This includes the caps or “bonnets” of the hydrant. White caps and bonnets have a special significance to maintenance and fire crews.
- Do not change the color of the fire hydrant
- Do not paint over posters, stickers or tape