MSP TechHire stories

You can read stories from Minneapolis TechHire graduates and employers.

Program graduates

IT Ready graduate

Student working from a laptop


Victor Chege

Although Victor Chege had an IT background in his native Kenya, he had a tough time breaking into the industry when he came to the U.S. When he enrolled in an IT training institute here, it went bankrupt before he could complete his course or get a tuition refund.

Then he learned about the free, eight-week IT Ready program, which connects graduates to a six-month paid work experience or full-time employment. He discovered that alumni are also eligible for free online training.

Chege signed up, graduated at the top of his class and landed a job as IT Service Desk Agent with the City of Minneapolis. And he is already pursuing additional IT certifications. 

PRIME Digital Academy graduate

Chelsea Okey

A U.S. Army veteran and University of Minnesota graduate, Chelsea Okey considered going back to school for computer science. Instead, she chose the 18-week computer programming course at PRIME Digital Academy because it was affordable.

Now a software engineer at SmartThings, she says that PRIME prepared her for the fast pace of the tech industry and gave her a foot in the door.

The Software Guild graduate

Chad Rehm

Although he had work as a tool designer, Chad Rehm wanted a more fulfilling career. He opted for a full-time, 12-week Web Development training course through the Software Guild, There, In addition to technical skills, he also received soft skills training like one-on-one résumé reviews and practice interviews. 

Within weeks of graduating, Rehm became a Web Developer for Kinetic Data in Saint Paul. 


Mall of America

Mall of America


"100 percent worth your time. It was one of the most positive recruiting experiences I've ever had—in any field, not just tech—and I'll be singing its praises and telling my friends, who are also on the prowl for solid development staff, about Prime."

Enterprise Support Center, HealthPartners

"The IT-Ready workers came in with some excellent technical training, as well as soft skills training that they need in order to quickly integrate into our company.

After experiencing the success of IT-Ready graduates, it became clear that IT-Ready training was exactly what we are looking for in new entry-level hires. Not only are these employees technically trained, they have a wonderful attitude and are totally engaged in their work environment."


"Our experience with IT-Ready grads has been very positive.

Since Virteva is a managed services provider, our new hires can face a steep learning curve. But because they’ve gone through the rigors of the IT-Ready program and certification process, graduates have already demonstrated an aptitude for the work, as well as the ability to quickly learn and assimilate new skills."

Contact us

Brant Ingalsbe

Community Planning & Economic Development (CPED)



Community Planning & Economic Development




Public Service Building
505 4th Avenue S., Room 320
Minneapolis, MN 55415