Career Pathways

We help adults find careers in high-demand fields.


A career pathway is a step-by-step plan to help you:

  • Get a better job
  • Move from one job to a better job in the same field

Each step builds on the last, so you can:

  • Grow your skills
  • Earn more money
  • Reach your career goals
Two construction workers talking at building sie


Nurses and doctors in a hospital room

Training partners and career pathways

Our nonprofit partners offer pathways to many types of careers.

Each pathway offers:

  • Technical training
  • Work readiness training
  • Other support services

Connect with our training partners

In-demand career areas

Explore careers in Minnesota's most popular fields.

Find a training program

CareerForce has a tool to help you find popular training programs, by career area.

Contact us

Brant Ingalsbe

Community Planning & Economic Development (CPED)

