Programs and initiatives

Learn about City programs and efforts to improve our City. Search by department or interest area to learn more.

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Classroom with students

Clean City Classroom

When you become a Clean City Classroom educator, you can teach youth about the best ways to handle waste. We'll provide you lesson plans and materials at no cost.
Recycling block leader yard sign

Recycling block leader

You can become a recycling block leader and help make a difference in your community.
Garbage, recycling and organics carts and yard waste bags outside a home.

Zero Waste

We want to reduce garbage thrown away in landfills and waste-to-energy facilities. Learn how we plan to do this.
sewer grate


You can help keep our waterways clean by adopting a storm drain in your neighborhood.
water testing, lead

Test your water for lead

You can have your water tested for lead.
Compost bins and raised bed

Garden Lease

You can lease a City-owned lot for community or market gardening.
Downtown Minneapolis buildings

Energy Benchmarking

Owners of large buildings can track their water and energy use. We explain how.
sewer grate that says "flows to creep keep drain clean" with turtle

Storm drain stenciling

You can organize a group to stencil our motto and clean up storms drains in your neighborhood.
People buying vegetables at farmers market.

Green Zones

We seek to improve the health and well-being of people in our community. Green Zones are communities that have been deeply affected by pollution, racism and other factors.
people walking around lake

Climate equity

The City is working with the community to combat climate change.
de-icer salt in coffee cup

Salt mini-course

You can take our lesson on de-icing salt. Learn how salt impacts the environment and best practices for snow and ice removal. This course takes about 30 minutes to complete.
Rooftop solar panels

100% Renewable Electricity

We plan to reach 100% renewable electricity by 2023 for City operations. For the community as a whole, our goal is 2030.