Plans and vision

Learn more about the future of the future of the Peoples Way.

Future of the building

The future community owner may:

  • Renovate the building in alignment with community priorities
  • Tear down the building after careful removal of all art, offerings, and memorials.

If demolished, the community owner would construct a new building in alignment with community priorities.

What a community owner is

A community owner is:

  • An entity that will own the property. This could be a:
    • Non-profit organization
    • Business
    • Cooperative
    • New legal entity made up of a group of people, organizations, or businesses
  • Person(s) committed to the Peoples Way and the vision for George Floyd Square

What happens to the art and memorials on site

Some art and memorials on the property have legal protections that apply. For example, Visual Artists Rights Act (VARA), and copyright protections for the artists. The art and memorials that are not protected, could transfer to the future community owner or to a different group. The community will help decide which is best.

What a community priority is

Community priorities for the Peoples Way could include things like:

  • Public restrooms
  • Memorial(s)
  • Healing center
  • Garden
  • Indoor gathering space
  • Outdoor gathering space

Contact us

Rebecca Parrell

Community Planning & Economic Development (CPED)




Public Service Building
505 Fourth Ave. S., Room 320
Minneapolis, MN 55415