Climate action

Mayor Frey is leading efforts to reduce climate change.


Climate change is affecting cities across the country, and Minneapolis is no exception. Mayor Frey is creating communities that are sustainable and resilient to climate challenges. 

Mayor Frey is :

  • Promoting environmental justice
  • Reducing waste
  • Making our city more eco-friendly

Minneapolis is:

  • Planting more trees
  • Expanding green jobs
  • Supporting rapid transit
  • Investing in clean, renewable energy

These efforts are paying off. The City has already met its goal of using 100% renewable energy for City-owned buildings. We plan to expand this to all city buildings by 2030.

The mayor’s efforts to fight climate change include:


Mayor Frey sitting in a City electronic vehicle.

Climate Equity Plan

Mayor Frey has a plan to address climate change that starts right here in our community. He signed the Climate Equity Plan.

This plan explains:

  • How the city will cut down on climate pollution by 2030
  • Make Minneapolis carbon neutral by 2050

The plan includes actions to:

  • Reduce emissions
  • Plant more trees
  • Create green jobs
  • Make homes more energy efficient

Mayor Frey feels that it’s all about working together to make a healthier, more sustainable city.

Read the climate equity plan

Climate Legacy Initiative

Mayor Jacob Frey launched the Climate Legacy Initiative (CLI) in 2023. Mayor Frey has invested $10 million every year into these efforts. The CLI has tripled the City’s previous investments in climate action.

The CLI funds the City’s Climate Equity Plan. This plan provides a roadmap for the City’s equitable and aggressive climate work. The City aims to reduce climate pollution by 2030 and become carbon neutral by 2050.

Some of the things the CLI is funding include:

  • $4.7 million to weatherize homes across Minneapolis
  • $1.4 million for workforce training to help people get green jobs
  • $850,000 for the City’s tree-planting efforts

Read about the Climate Legacy Initiative

Green Cost Share

Protecting the planet takes everyone. The mayor's Green Cost Share program makes sure we are all doing our part to meet the City’s climate and equity goals. It also improves public health.

Green Cost Share helps people, businesses, and nonprofits:

  • Pay for projects that reduce pollution
  • Improve energy efficiency
  • Support renewable energy

Learn about Green Cost Share

Zero Waste Plan

Mayor Frey and the City have a plan to reduce the amount of waste Minneapolis creates. 

The Minneapolis Zero Waste Plan helps increase recycling and composting. The goal is to eventually eliminate the need for landfills and incinerators. 

The plan explains how we are:

  • Improving how waste is collected
  • Expanding composting programs
  • Educating the public about how to reduce waste and recycle more

Read about the city's zero waste plans

City Trees

Trees provide shade, lower utility bills, and make our city more beautiful. City Trees started in 2006. The mayor's Climate Legacy Initiative helps fund the program.

City Trees has provided thousands of low-cost trees to Minneapolis:

  • Property owners
  • Businesses
  • Organizations 

See how the city is helping to build the city's tree canopy

Green Careers Exploration

Green Careers Exploration helps young people prepare for the careers of the future. It offers education and internships in the environmental sector.

This training is especially for member of these communities:

  • Black
  • Latinx
  • American Indian

Learn about this green career pathway

Contact us

Mayor's Office



Office hours

8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday

Mailing address

City Hall
350 S. Fifth St., Room 331
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Temporary office location

250 S. Fourth St., Room 510
Minneapolis, MN 55415