City data inventory

We explain the types of private or confidential data that the City keeps about individuals.

The tables below describe the private or confidential data on individuals maintained by the City.  The City Clerk is the responsible authority for all data sets described.

Data from all or many departments

The following data are maintained by more than one department in the City of Minneapolis.

Name of Record, File, Process, Form or Data Type Description (Understandable to General Public) Data Classification Citation for Classification Employee Work Access
Advisory Council Member Data Data pertaining to advisory council applicants and appointees Public;
13.604 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Attorney Data Data related to attorney work product or data protected under attorney-client privilege Private 13.393 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Civil Investigative Data Data that are collected in order to start or defend a pending civil legal action, or because a civil legal action is expected Public;
13.39 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Complaint/Complainant Data Data related to complaints made to the City by the general public Public;
Various Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Computer Use and Access Data Data collected, created, or maintained about a person’s access to a government entity’s computer Public; NonPublic;
13.15 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Continuity of Operations Personal home contact information used to ensure that an employee can be reached in the event of an emergency or other disruption affecting continuity of a government entity Private 13.43 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Correspondence Letters and electronic correspondence Public;
Various Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Data Security Breaches

Records regarding the unauthorized acquisition of data that compromises the security and classification of the data, including notifications to affected individuals, investigation reports, and security assessments

Public; Private; Confidential


Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Federal Contracts Data Data collected due to a contract with a federal agency that requires it as a condition NonPublic; Private 13.35 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Legal Compliance Data Affirmative Action Reports, Benefit Reports, I-9’s, OSHA Reports, Pay Equity Reports, Labor Relations Reports Public;
13.43 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Personal Contact and Online Account Information Telephone number, email address and usernames and passwords collected, maintained or received by a government entity for notification purposes or as part of a subscription list for an entity’s electronic periodic publications as requested by the individual Private 13.356 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Personnel Data Data about employees, employee suggestions data, complaints against employees, applicants, volunteers and independent contractors; labor relations information Public;
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Security Information Data that would substantially jeopardize the security of information, possessions, individuals or property against theft, tampering, improper use, attempted escape, illegal disclosure, trespass, or physical injury, if the data were released to the public Private 13.37 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of specific work assignments
Social Security Numbers Social Security numbers assigned to individuals Private 13.355 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment


Name of Record, File, Process, Form or Data Type Description (Understandable to General Public) Data Classification Citation for Classification Employee Work Access
Emergency Communications

Recordings and transcripts of calls made to emergency services for the purpose of requesting services from police, fire, EMS, BCR, and animal control

Public; Private

13.82  subd. 3, 4, 17 (f), 25 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Arts & Cultural Affairs 

Name of Record, File, Process, Form or Data Type Description (Understandable to General Public) Data Classification Citation for Classification Employee Work Access

Contract Applicant Data

Applications by individuals to serve as employees, volunteers, or independent contractors on public arts projects and events

Public; private


Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Grant and Benefit Applicant Data

Applications by artists and other individuals for state-funded grants administered by the City for public arts projects and events

Public; Private


Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

City Assessor

Name of Record, File, Process, Form or Data Type Description (Understandable to General Public) Data Classification Citation for Classification Employee Work Access
Assessment Data Data collected, created, maintained, or received in the process of producing assessment data involving the valuation and classification of property, and the administration of exemption, exclusion and deferral programs. Public;
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Assessor’s Records, Functions, and Reports Data collected, created, received and maintained pertaining to the function of the Assessor’s Office including classifications, appraisals, and valuation Public;
Various Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Benefit Data Data on individual collected or created because an individual seeks information about becoming, is, or was an applicant for or a recipient of benefits or services provided under various agencies Public;
13.462 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Property Data Data collected, created, maintained or received by a government entity that register appraisal data Public;
13.44 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Property Tax data and Homestead Applications Sections that classify tax data as other than public, place restrictions on access to government data, or involve data sharing Private;
13.4965 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

City Attorney

Name of Record, File, Process, Form or Data Type Description (Understandable to General Public) Data Classification Citation for Classification Employee Work Access
Civil Investigative Data Active/Inactive investigative data related to a civil legal action Protected Non-Public; Private; Confidential; Public 13.39 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Civil Matters Data Assignments, Advice, Administrative Hearings, Claims, Litigation, Worker’s Compensation, Contracts, Agreements Public; Private; Confidential 363 A.35;
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Criminal Matters Data Records related to the prosecution of criminal cases by the City Attorney’s Office.  Records document various types of criminal cases which may include assault, harassment, order for protection, animal control, code compliance, justice crimes; livability crimes, property and theft, vulnerable adults, weapons, drugs and alcohol, insurance violations, parking violations, moving violations, serious traffic violations, etc. Public; Private; Confidential 13.393,
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Legal Administration and Common Attorney Records Records may include administrative data, subpoenas, historically significant legal matters, formal attorney opinions, and litigation logs used in the conduct of City business, office policies/work rules Public; Private;
Fed Rules of Crim. Procedure 6 (e) (3) (B)
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

City Clerk, Boards and Commissions, Council, and Mayor

Name of Record, File, Process, Form or Data Type Description (Understandable to General Public) Data Classification Citation for Classification Employee Work Access
Assessor Information Data collected, created, maintained, or received by a political subdivision Private 13.51 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Award Data Financial data on business entities submitted for the purpose of presenting awards Private 13.48 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Data Practices Request & Response Information Data related to requests under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Public
Various Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Elected and Appointed Officials Data on financial disclosure statements, correspondence, applications for appointments, and data coded elsewhere Public
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Elected and Appointed Officials Correspondence Correspondence between elected officials and individuals Public
13.601 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Election Data The sections referred to in this section are codified outside this chapter. Those sections classify campaign, ethics, and election data as other than public, place restrictions on access to government data, or involve data sharing and indicates related data that is codified elsewhere Public;
13.607 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Grants Data created, received, collected, or maintained as part of the grant request and awarding process Public;
13.599 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Property Data Data collected, created, maintained, or received by a government entity that register complaints, building code violations, and appraisal data Public;
13.44 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Civil Rights

Name of Record, File, Process, Form or Data Type Description (Understandable to General Public) Data Classification Citation for Classification Employee Work Access
Officer Personnel Data, Disciplinary Data, and Complainant Data Data on individuals maintained because the individual is or was an employee of or an applicant for employment by, performs services on a voluntary basis for, or acts as an independent contractor with a government entity Public;
13.43 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Affirmative Action Data Records to document complaints, investigations, and resolutions of affirmative action issues; confidential data forms of applicants; and departmental tracking and compliance records Public;
M.S. 13.39; M.S. 13.43;  Sect. 709 (e) Title VII Civil Rights Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Contractor Data Data collected, created, received, or maintained as part of a relationship with City Public
13.43 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment


Name of Record, File, Process, Form or Data Type Description (Understandable to General Public) Data Classification Citation for Classification Employee Work Access

Continuity of Operations

Personal home contact information used to ensure that an employee can be reached in the event of an emergency or other disruption affecting continuity of a government entity


13.43 Subd. 17

Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Personal Contact and Online Account Information Telephone number, email address and usernames and passwords collected, maintained or received by a government entity for notification purposes or as part of a subscription list for an entity’s electronic periodic publications as requested by the individual Private 13.356 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Community Planning & Economic Development

Name of Record, File, Process, Form or Data Type Description (Understandable to General Public) Data Classification Citation for Classification Employee Work Access

Assessor’s Data

Income information on individuals collected to determine eligibility for classification of real property under MN Stat. Secs. 273.128 and 273.13


13.51 Subd. 3

Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Assistance Program Data Data collected, created, maintained or received by a government entity on applicants for assistance Public;
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Award Data

Financial data on business entities submitted for the purpose of presenting awards



Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Benefit Data Data collected, created, maintained or received by a government entity on applicants for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program Public;
13.462 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Business Licensing Data collected, created, received, or maintained performing the function of processing business licenses Public;
13.41 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Construction Plans Records used by examiners to determine compliance with applicable codes/ordinances prior to permit issuance Public;
13.37 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Development Data Data collected, submitted, created, or maintained for the purpose of planning, development, redevelopment, or government programs Public;
13.59 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Emergency Services for Homeless Persons

Data on individuals maintained by a grant recipient from which the identity of individuals receiving emergency services may be determined



Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Employment & Training Data Data collected, submitted, created, or maintained because an individual participates in employment and training programs Public;
13.47 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Housing Agency Data Financial information regarding a Housing Finance Agency loan or grant recipient Public;
13.586 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Licenses and Permits Any information, documentation and data required or produced in the process of obtaining licenses and permits. Records may include applications and supporting documents (including background checks), copies and renewals, and any modifications. Public;
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Program Participants in regards to inspections Data on program participants maintained by a local government entity in connection with an active investigation or inspection of an alleged health code, building code, fire code, or city ordinance violation are governed outside this chapter Private;
5B.07 subd. 1
Property Data Data collected, created, maintained or received by a government entity that register complaints, building code violations, and appraisal data Public;
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Social Recreational Data Data collected and maintained for the purpose of enrolling individuals in recreational and other social programs including names, addresses, telephone numbers and any other data that identifies the individual or describes a health or medical condition Private 13.548 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Emergency Management

Name of Record, File, Process, Form or Data Type Description (Understandable to General Public) Data Classification Citation for Classification Employee Work Access
Emergency Communications

Communications and transcripts of calls made to emergency services for the purpose of requesting services from police, fire, EMS, BCR, and animal control

Public; Private

13.82  subd. 3, 4, 17 (f), 25 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Property Data Data collected, created, maintained or received by a government entity that register complaints, building code violations, and appraisal data Public;
13.44 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Finance and Property Services

Name of Record, File, Process, Form or Data Type Description (Understandable to General Public) Data Classification Citation for Classification Employee Work Access
Accident Reports Records used to document vehicle/equipment accidents Public;
13.82 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Medical Payment Records Records which document payment and receivable invoices for health/medical services provided to clients by direct service programs Public;
13.384 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Occupational Injury and Illness Reporting Data Records used to document the nature of a work-related personal injury or illness and meet the requirements of state law Private;
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Worker’s Compensation Claims Records used to document claims filed as the result of on-the-job accidents and illnesses by City employees. Confidential 176.231 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment


Name of Record, File, Process, Form or Data Type Description (Understandable to General Public) Data Classification Citation for Classification Employee Work Access

Driver’s License and DVS Data

Driver’s license data of Health Department employees who drive personal or city-owned vehicles to conduct city business; data obtained from employees and MN Department of Vehicle Services


13.43; 18 USC 2721

Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Program Participants in regards to inspections Data on program participants maintained by a local government entity in connection with an active investigation or inspection of an alleged health code, building bode, fire code, or city ordinance violation are governed outside this chapter Private;
5B.07 subd. 1
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Research Participant Data Data collected during research which includes, names of participants, addresses, emails, social security numbers, health information Private;
13.717 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Elevated Blood Level Response Data involving the health of minors, addresses, lab tests and results Private;
13.32 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Human Resources

Name of Record, File, Process, Form or Data Type Description (Understandable to General Public) Data Classification Citation for Classification Employee Work Access
Affirmative Action Data Records to document complaints, investigations, and resolutions of affirmative action issues; confidential data forms of applicants; and departmental tracking and compliance records Public;
13.43; Sect. 709 (e) Title VII Civil Rights
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Employee Benefits Data Records used to maintain, track and report on employee participation in the available City-run or sponsored benefit programs Public;
13.43 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Labor Relations Data Records used to track grievances made by employees; collective bargaining agreements and negotiations; compliance monitoring Public;
13.43 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Personnel Data Data about employees, applicants, volunteers and independent contractors; labor relations information Public;
179A.03, subd. 4
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Internal Audit

Name of Record, File, Process, Form or Data Type Description (Understandable to General Public) Data Classification Citation for Classification Employee Work Access
Internal Auditing Data Data, notes, and preliminary drafts of reports created, collected, and maintained by the internal audit offices of a government entity or persons performing audits for government entities Public;
13.392 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Investigation Data Data, notes, and preliminary drafts of reports created, collected, and maintained by the internal audit offices of a government entity or persons performing investigation for government entities Public;
13.392 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Minneapolis Convention Center

Name of Record, File, Process, Form or Data Type Description (Understandable to General Public) Data Classification Citation for Classification Employee Work Access
Contact Information Names, addresses, and contact person for individual exhibitors may be withheld at the discretion of the facility Public;
13.55 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Information regarding availability of facility Requests for availability, identity of requestor, type of event, suggested terms of rental, and responses to the request Public;
13.55 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Incident Reports Document witness statement(s), exact facts and details. Public; Private 13.43; 13.37 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Fire Department

Name of Record, File, Process, Form or Data Type Description (Understandable to General Public) Data Classification Citation for Classification Employee Work Access
Criminal Case Files Records that are created and used to document complaints, arrests and incidents involving criminal offenses, incidents, documentation, and investigations Public, Private, Confidential 13.82;
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Emergency Communications Communications made to emergency services for the purpose of requesting service from law enforcement, fire, or medical agency (transcripts of 911 calls that do not reveal the identity of the caller are public) Private 13.82 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Program Participants in regards to inspections Data on program participants maintained by a local government entity in connection with an active investigation or inspection of an alleged health code, building bode, fire code, or city ordinance violation Private;
5B.07 subd. 1
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Social Recreational Data Data collected and maintained for the purpose of enrolling individuals in recreational and other social programs including names, addresses, telephone numbers and any other data that identifies the individual or describes a health or medical condition Private 13.548 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Police Department

Name of Record, File, Process, Form or Data Type Description (Understandable to General Public) Data Classification Citation for Classification Employee Work Access

Unmanned Arial Vehicle Data

Data collected, created, or maintained by a law enforcement agency through the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones)

Public; Private; Confidential

13.82 Subds. 7 and 32; Minn. Stat. Sec. 626.19

Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Automated License Plate Reader Data Information gathered or retained by the Automated License Plate Reader Private 13.824 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Background Investigation Records / Internal Affairs Case Information Documentation and data obtained during, or relating to performing, background investigations on individuals and case documentation Public;
13.43 subd. 4; 12, 17;
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Body-Worn Camera Data

Audio or video data captured by portable recording systems worn by peace officers 

Public; Private; Confidential

13.825; 13.82 Subd. 7

Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Criminal Case Files Records that are created and used to document complaints, arrests and incidents involving criminal offenses, incidents, documentation, and investigations Public; Private; Confidential 13.82;
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Crime Laboratory Records MPD Crime Laboratory findings, records, or information and it corresponding documentation Private 13.82;
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Confidential Informants Records, files, and documentation that may contain the identity of, contacts with, and reliability of confidential informants. Confidential 13.82 subd. 2 (l), 7, 8, 17 (a)(c)(g), 21; 13.86;
13.43 subd. 2, 5
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Emergency Communications Communications made to emergency services for the purpose of requesting service from law enforcement, fire, or medical agency (transcripts of 911 calls that do not reveal the identity of the caller are public) Private 13.82 subd. 3, 4, 17 (f), 25 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Juvenile Records Records, files, and incidents  that are created and used to document complaints,
arrests and incidents involving juveniles (age of suspect or
arrestee at date of incident is less than 18 years)

13.82 subd. 2 (j)(l), 17(g), 29;
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Licenses and Permits Any information, documentation and data required or produced in the process of obtaining licenses and permits. Records may include applications and supporting documents (including background checks), copies and renewals, and any modifications. Public;
Private; Confidential
13.37; 13.41; 13.411; 13.69 (1)(2); 13.87 subd. 2 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Mandated Reporter Identities Identities of individuals who are obligated to report information to law enforcement Private 13.82 subd. 17 (h), 609.456, 626.556, 626.557 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Pawn Shop / Scrap Metal Dealer Data on individuals that would reveal the identity of customers of a licensed pawnbroker, secondhand goods dealer, or a scrap metal dealer is private, except data describing the property in a regulated transaction which is public Public;
27 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Social Recreational Data Data collected and maintained for the purpose of enrolling individuals in recreational and other social programs including names, addresses, telephone numbers and any other data that identifies the individual or describes a health or medical condition Private 13.548 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Neighborhood & Community Relations

Name of Record, File, Process, Form or Data Type Description (Understandable to General Public) Data Classification Citation for Classification Employee Work Access


Data created, received, or maintained as part of the grant request and award process

Public; Private


Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Public Works

Name of Record, File, Process, Form or Data Type Description (Understandable to General Public) Data Classification Citation for Classification Employee Work Access
Complaint Data Data related to complaints made to the City by the general public Public;
Various Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Municipal Utility Customer Data Data on customers of municipal electric utilities are private data on individuals or   data Private 13.685 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment


Others as stipulated in the law
Parking Enforcement Data maintained, collected, received or created regarding parking certificates and special license plates Private 13.69 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Parking Space Leasing Data Data collected, created, maintained or received that is determined to be   data including security information and parking space leasing data Private 13.37 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

Regulatory Services

Name of Record, File, Process, Form or Data Type Description (Understandable to General Public) Data Classification Citation for Classification Employee Work Access
Assessment Data Data collected, created, maintained, or received in the processes of producing assessment data Public;
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Assessor’s Records, Functions, and Reports Data collected, created, received and maintained pertaining to the function of the Assessor’s Office including classifications, appraisals, and valuation Public;
Various Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Construction Plans Records used by examiners to determine compliance with applicable codes/ordinances prior to permit issuance Public;
13.37 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Program Participants in regards to inspections Data on program participants maintained by a local government entity in connection with an active investigation or inspection of an alleged health code, building bode, fire code, or city ordinance violation are governed outside this chapter Private
5B.07 subd. 1
Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment
Property Data Data collected, created, maintained or received by a government entity that register complaints, building code violations, and rental licensing data Public
13.44 Certain employees on an as-needed basis as part of a specific work assignment

What is the responsible authority? And who is it?

The responsible authority is the official designated by law as the individual responsible for the collection, use, and sharing of any set of data.

For the City of Minneapolis, the responsible authority is the City Clerk.


Contact us

Responsible Authority

Casey Joe Carl, City Clerk
Christian Rummelhoff, Assistant City Clerk (Primary designee)



Mailing address

City Hall
350 S. Fifth St., Room 304
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Temporary office location

250 S. Fourth St., Room 100
Minneapolis, MN 55415