City data dashboards

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Residential Median Estimated Market Value

Residential median estimated market value dashboard

You can view median estimated market values by neighborhood for residential property in Minneapolis.
Community gardens dashboard

Community gardens dashboard

You can find all available and in-use community garden lots in Minneapolis.
 Housing and fire inspection violations dashboard

Regulatory Services violations dashboard

You can look up Housing and Fire Inspections violations on this dashboard. Updated daily, our data goes back to 1989.
Vacant and condemned property dashboard

Vacant and condemned property dashboard

We help you search for vacant and condemned properties in Minneapolis.
Legacy crime data dashboard

Legacy crime dashboard

You can explore historical data about the city's most common violent and property crimes.
2023 Bike and scooter compliance dashboard

2023 Shared bike and Scooter dashboard

You can use the dashboard to explore the shared bike and scooter program. It shows the operation, use, and compliance across the City.
Sidewalk snow and ice incidents dashboard

Sidewalk snow and ice incidents dashboard

You can see where people have reported snow and ice on sidewalks, and pending fees.
Gunshot wound dashboard

Gunshot wound dashboard

You can review Minneapolis gunshot wound data on this dashboard.
Arrests dashboard

Arrests dashboard

You can explore various arrest data from the Police Department. Search the dashboard by date, location or both.
Mpls demographic changes

2000 - 2020 Minneapolis demographic changes by neighborhood dashboard

You can see how the population of Minneapolis neighborhoods have changed.
2020 General Election voting statistics dashboard

2020 General Election voting statistics dashboard

You can view voter data for the November 2020 general election.
Legacy use of force dashboard

Legacy use of force dashboard

Our dashboard provides legacy data about the use of force by Minneapolis police.