Stonewall oral history video series

The video series explores the Stonewall riots and how it impacts the community today.

What to know

In 2019, the City's Division of Racial Equity, Belonging and Inclusion (REIB) conducted an oral history project marking the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising.

That material was used in a three-part video series:

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Three-part video series

Stonewall oral history interviews

We listened as BIPOC, trans and nonbinary communities reflected on the legacy of Stonewall. Interview subjects explain how Stonewall continues to inspire efforts toward equity and healing.


  • Marsha P. Johnson
  • Sylvia
  • Miss Major

Stonewall oral history roundtable

A roundtable panel features an honest conversation about the changes still needed in Minneapolis.

Community members talk about:

  • Inequalities in housing and pay
  • The election of two BIPOC trans leaders to City Council
  • Ways for the community to support each other

Stonewall oral history poem

This poem from Baki Porter and Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins reminds us of the continuous fight against oppression. They remind us of how boldness and love anchor the City's communities. They also show how the City carries on the legacy of Stonewall.

Contact us

Racial Equity, Inclusion and Belonging




City Hall
350 S. 5th St, Room 223
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office hours

8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday

Closed on City holidays

See list of City holidays