Lost, stolen and found property

You can turn in items you've found and check if we have your lost or stolen item.

What to do

If you find a gun or other weapon

  • Call 911.
  • Do not touch or move it.
  • Police will examine the gun or weapon to determine whether it was used in a crime.


If you find other items

  • Take items to the nearest police precinct.
  • An officer will  enter a  report and give it a case number.
  • We'll send the item to the Property and Evidence Unit.
  • If we cannot return an item to its owner within six months, it will go to public auction.


If you have a lost or stolen item

  • Contact the Police Property and Evidence Unit.
  • We can search our database for recovered lost or stolen items and let you know if we find a match.
  • We will continue to check for matches to reported lost items for up to six months.

 How to report a stolen item

If your car has been impounded

Contact us

Property & Evidence Unit

Minneapolis Police Department




3100 N. Second St.
Minneapolis, MN 55411
(Corner of Lowry & N. Second St.)
Get directions


Public service hours (in person)
Noon – 6 p.m.
Monday – Friday

Phone service hours
8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Monday – Friday


Minneapolis Police Department

Email Police Department





City Hall
350 Fifth St. S., Room 130
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Office hours

8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday

See list of City holidays

Connect with the Minneapolis Police Department

