Implementation Division

We are creating lasting change in the police department.

Our purpose

Our role is to transform the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD). We are strengthening oversight, accountability, and transparency. We work with the Independent Evaluator to put the state and federal changes into action. These changes are outlined in both agreements.

Achieving real change

These agreements lay the foundation for police reform, but they are only a starting point. We are committed to going beyond the legal requirements.

Community voices drive our work. We are taking action to create meaningful change. Our community deserves real improvements and a police department they can trust.

Two members of the MPD Implementation Unit talk to a community member while tabling at a community engagement event.

What we do

  • Put police policies into place that serve the community
  • Become more accountable and transparent
  • Build trust and positive relationships between police and the community
  • Support officers with improved wellness programs, training, and supervision
  • Comply with both state and federal agreements

How we do it

  • Host or attend community engagement events to work with the community
  • Revise the MPD Policy Manual
  • Help MPD create quality training and wellness initiatives
  • Create and maintain public dashboards
  • Perform regular compliance reviews
  • Develop reports for both internal and external stakeholders

Implementation updates

See tasks the police have completed to meet state and federal requirements.

Community engagement

We connect with those who live, work, and play in Minneapolis to collect feedback. We are making sure MPD policies meet our community's needs.

Engaging with our community helps us serve our community. 

Over the past few years, we have:

  • Hosted engagement sessions and gathered feedback from the public.
  • Presented at neighborhood meetings on the settlement agreement, reforms and community issues
  • Engaged in strategic meetings. These meetings addressed the opioid crisis, unsheltered populations and crime strategies.
  • Partnered in many citywide events and engagement opportunities.
  • Attend conferences and events that bring together multicultural or immigrant communities.

Get involved

We encourage the community to get involved in this process. You can give feedback on MPD policies online and in person.

Contact us

Implementation Division

Minneapolis Police Department