Automated employee and salary verification

The City makes it easy to verify employment.

Verify City employment

The City of Minneapolis offers an easy way for employees to verify their employment and salary details. We use a service called The Work Number for employee verifications.

The process is:

  • Quick
  • Free
  • Secure
  • Accurate

Verify employment process

Verify employment with The Work Number

How The Work Number works

We use a verification service called The Work Number:

  • The service lets employees verify their employment and salary online or by phone.
  • The City sends employment and salary information to The Work Number.
    • This data gets updated after each payroll cycle.
  • Employees must give permission first.


When to use it

The Work Number uses payroll data to check City employee employment. 

You can use it for:

  • Mortgage applications
  • Reference checks
  • Loan applications
  • Apartment leases
  • Anything requiring proof of employment


Verifying for state and agencies

  • We are currently not offering this service through The Work Number. 
  • States and agencies use a different process to verify employment. 
  • They must contact the City of Minneapolis for verifications.

Information we can verify

Basic employment information

  • Name
  • Most recent hire date
  • Termination date
    • if no longer employed – data stored 2001 and beyond
  • Total time with City of Minneapolis
  • Job title

Payment information

  • Rate of Pay
    • All salary information requires extra permission from employee.
  • Gross earnings for current year to date, including:
    • Base pay
    • Overtime
  • Gross earning for last year and two years past, including:
    • Base pay
    • Overtime
Person reading notes on paper


How to verify employment

What the employee does

The employee provides:

  • Their social security number (SSN)
  • Our company code: 11468
  • Salary Key (if the verifier requires salary verification only)


How to get a Salary Key

  • You need a PIN number to receive a Salary Key.
  • Each Salary Key is only good for one income verification.
  • You can find out how to get a Salary Key on the Work Number Employees page.

See the Work Number Employees page

What to know

  • City employees do not have to pay any extra fees for this service.
  • If you get questions about The Work Number's fees or service, call their Customer Service Team.
  • It is not your responsibility to explain how these procedures work to verifiers.

Contact The Work Number's customer service team

What the verifier does

The verifier should contact The Work Number and enter:

  • The City of Minneapolis company code: 11468
  • The employee's social security number
  • A salary key*


  • Verifiers pay a fee to receive employment or salary information.
  • This cost will likely be less than $10 per verification.

*When you need a salary key

If verifiers request salary information, they'll need a salary key.

The employee provides the salary key.

Verifiers need to:

  • Register first
  • Pay a fee for each transaction

How to get the information

Verifiers can get the information by:

  • Printing a copy of the verification if they are online. 
  • Fax
  • Over the phone

See information the City can verify

Contact us

Central Payroll

Finance & Property Services




Public Service Center
250 S. Fourth St., Room 414
Minneapolis, MN 55415

Finance & Property Services




Physical Address
Public Service Center
250 S. Fourth St., Room 401
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Mailing Address
City Hall
350 S. Fifth St., Room 325M
Minneapolis, MN 55415