Aisha Chughtai (eye-shah chug-tie) proudly represents Ward 10 — comprised of the Whittier, Lowry Hill East, East Bde Maka Ska, South Uptown, and East Harriet neighborhoods.
Ward 10 is a community where 80% of residents are renters. Ward 10 is home to three of Minneapolis’ major commercial corridors: Eat Street, LynLake, and Hennepin Ave. Residents of the Ward utilize our City’s sidewalks, bike lanes and paths, and bus and light rail routes to live, work, and play in the Twin Cities. Aisha is committed to fiercely protecting and expanding tenants rights, worker protections, and transit access.
Aisha is a renter, union organizer, and first-born daughter in a Muslim immigrant family. Her parents were Pakistani immigrants with blue collar jobs, who fought to keep their heads above water as they raised her and her three siblings. She will be a leader who will leave no one behind, because she knows what it is like to be left behind.
Aisha started her career as a frontline worker in retail and childcare. She has also worked to elect progressive and socialist leaders to office, fought to strengthen workers’ rights while working for Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Minnesota State Council, and has been deeply involved in movement work in the fight for immigrants’ rights, housing justice, and mutual aid efforts in Ward 10.
At City Hall, Aisha will be a champion for people in Ward 10, and across the city, who are often forgotten—renters, students, immigrant and refugee families, queer and trans folks, our unhoused neighbors, and working class people. She is committed to standing by the needs and values of the Ward 10 community regardless of political pressure, expediency, and what’s deemed passable or palatable. The Ward 10 office will always strive to maintain a culture of access while meeting community members where they’re at.