City Planning Commission – 4:30 p.m.
2800 Pacific Street Application for a preliminary and final registered land survey to allow the division of the property into two resultant parcels. (PLAN18912)
1213 Franklin Ave E Application for a preliminary and final registered land survey. (PLAN18876)
3632 Columbus Ave Application for a conditional use permit to allow for a state-credentialed care facility serving up to 12 persons in the UN2 / Urban Neighborhood 2 District. (PLAN18087)
3249 3rd Ave S Application for a conditional use permit to allow for a state-credentialed care facility serving up to 16 persons in the UN2 / Urban Neighborhood 2 District. (PLAN18088)
800 28th St E Applications for land use to allow for signage; conditional use permit to amend a planned unit development, and a variance to allow backlit signs. (PLAN18908)
2801 Chicago Ave Application for a variance to allow a backlit sign. (PLAN18909)