Roles of Mayor and City Council

The Mayor and City Council share power. Learn how each play a role in different aspects of governing the City.
MayorCity Council
Represents the entire city, about 436,000 people Council members represent a ward, about 34,000 people
Serves as the City’s primary spokesperson Council members serve ward constituents as an advocate and ombudsman
Local laws & public policy
MayorCity Council
Proposes policies – State of the City & Budget Address Enacts local laws and public policies
Approves or vetoes official acts of Council Can override veto with 2/3 vote
Implements, enforces, and monitors local laws that govern the City and protect the health, safety, and welfare of its residents  Enables public to participate in public hearings 
Advocates for federal and state policies that advance the City’s interests Adopts federal and state legislative platforms that advance the City’s interests
Implements, enforces, and monitors policies that regulate the City’s administrative operations Adopts, evaluates, and amends policies (resolutions) that regulate the City’s administrative operations
City finance
MayorCity Council
Proposes operating and capital budgets Adopts operating and capital budgets
Enforces financial policies and appropriate controls Adopts financial policies and appropriate controls
Manages investments, treasury functions, and related financial operations within the policy parameters set by the Council Conducts audits of City financial operations
Executes contracts and agreements, when approved by Council, or within delegated authority set by Council Adopts contracts and agreements
Operations, departments & personnel
MayorCity Council
Selects and supervises the heads of the City’s charter departments Confirms the appointment of the City’s charter department heads
Directs public safety functions, including the police, fire, and emergency management Evaluates the performance of City services and programs
Negotiates and proposes contracts with the City’s 22 collective bargaining units Approves contracts with the City’s 22 collective bargaining units
Oversees City administration and daily operations  
Advisory bodies & appointments
MayorCity Council
Approves creation of advisory bodies  Creates and oversees advisory bodies
Appoints individuals to boards and commissions Appoints individuals to boards and commissions
  Considers recommendations from advisory bodies
Land use, development & zoning
MayorCity Council
Serves as a member of the City Planning Commission Adopts the City’s Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code
  Serves as appellate body for decisions by the Planning Commission, Heritage Preservation Commission, and the Zoning Board of Adjustment
  Engages community on development projects and proposals
City licenses, permits & fees
MayorCity Council
Issues, inspects, and enforces municipal licenses, permits, and fees within policy parameters Establishes policies and conditions for municipal licenses, permits, and fees and authorizes conditions for issuance
Emergency operations & continuity or government
MayorCity Council
Declares a state of emergency or disaster and issues emergency regulations to preserve the health, safety, and welfare of the community Approves, or ends, the Mayor’s declared state of emergency or disaster as well as any emergency regulations